Green Hell: Save Game (All Skills – 100, first day, Mode: SURVIVAL) [1.8.0]

Home » Video Game Saves » Green Hell: Save Game (All Skills – 100, first day, Mode: SURVIVAL) [1.8.0]
August 5, 2021
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Green Hell: Save Game (All Skills – 100, first day, Mode: SURVIVAL) [1.8.0]


I’m sitting in the evening with a seagull, well, I’m thinking why not do garbage, I found on the Internet on the western side of the saves for Green Hell, it’s sad that only on mode Survival
Yes, exactly on SURVIVAL otherwise it will start right now that I allegedly deceived you. 

Green Hell: Save Game (All Skills – 100, first day, Mode: SURVIVAL) [1.8.0] Free Download

About the save:

– All skills before one hundred, the first day, of all I did, it set up a tent to keep the game beautiful.

Enjoy your survival!

p.s. the save has been expired by 1 year, but it still works, and the plant box is available (for those in the tank – this is a new feature in the new update)
The save was tested on a pirate, no need to rush at me in case of anything, try to play in offline mode.
Saving is not mine, the author will write: Adrielcafe
Or maybe he is not the author, honestly Khrushchev.

Conservation paths (Pirate)

No. 1) C: \ Users \ Public \ Documents \ Steam \ CODEX \ 815370 \ remote – Be careful with numbers, namely 815370
No. 2) C: \ Users \ User \ AppData \ LocalLow \ Creepy Jar \ Green Hell – There is a very small chance that the save is there, this folder most likely serves for something else, it always exists, no matter what Repack, maybe it’s just a part of the game used for what then goals, but still if you see the “remote” folder there – we throw the save there.
No. 3) (Game folder: Green Hell \ GH_Data \ Plugins \ x86_64 \ 815370 \ remote – If you have Repack from Pionner, then the save is more likely to lie along this path

At the moment, these are all known ways of saving from my own experience, I remind you for pirates – version 1.8.0 of Green Hell has been released, and so far it is available only from Pionner, i.e. save will lie along the way No. 3

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