Scrathces / Rustle: Last visit: Alternative ending + Save Game for the Russian edition (Scratches Director’s Cut)

Home » Video Game Saves » Scrathces / Rustle: Last visit: Alternative ending + Save Game for the Russian edition (Scratches Director’s Cut)
November 9, 2021
7 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Scrathces / Rustle: Last visit: Alternative ending + Save Game for the Russian edition (Scratches Director’s Cut)

Save files and retrieval description Alternate ending for Game:
Scratches: Director’s Cut
Rustle: Last Visit

These save files are intended only for the official original, unpatched, localized Russian edition of the game – Scratches: Director’s Cut (in the Russian version – Rustle: Last Visit), Russian publisher “Play Ten Interactive“, In order to obtain Alternate ending, in the main game – Rustle: director’s cut.

Scrathces / Rustle: Last visit: Alternative ending + Save Game for the Russian edition (Scratches Director’s Cut) Free Download

The files were obtained by hourly saving, with the exception of the moments of transferring the game time two hours ahead. The saves are missing two hourly periods: Saturday, 9 am and Monday, 6 pm. That is, the very first and most recent game periods of time, firstly: because of their unnecessary, and secondly: the game has the opportunity only for 10 save positions, without these two, the saves fit exactly three screens, one for each every day.

The archive has the following structure:

Save files .htm (file containing the given description text)
Alternative ending.htm (a file containing a full description of obtaining the Alternate ending)
You can also read its contents here:

   Save files directory:
October 12 (Saturday)


October 13 (Sunday)

October 14 (Monday)


Select the game day you are interested in and from the corresponding directory copy all or only the files you are interested in to the directory with the game, with the replacement of files, if requested.

What are save files?

File: scream.000 – this is, apparently, a template file for the save files, it is created automatically, so copying it is not necessary.
Files: scream.001 … scream.010 – directly the save files themselves. The number designates the position of this save on your save screen (001 is the first position, 010 is the last respectively) You can safely change to any value from 001 to 010.

All open contents of Michael Artheyt’s diary are registered in these save files, as well as all reactions to your actions (for example, all the text that is displayed when you poke at objects). Hence the large size of the save files, which is strange for a quest.

Save moments in the game.

All saves were done in the Hall, before the clock, after typing (except for one point, described below). Typing on a typewriter was performed immediately after a specific action to move the clock hands in the game. For example:
   Sunday, 13 October, 3 pm – in the African room we move the closet, but we do not open the door and go to type on a typewriter;
   Monday, 14 October, 12 pm – we take out the box from the desk, type the code, but do not open it and go to type on a typewriter.
Pay attention to the time period shown in the example: Sunday, 13 October, 3 pm. This is the only time that saving was done before typing. This is due to the fact that the game has a plot action of typing on a typewriter, which itself moves the clock hands forward an hour.
A complete list of actions that translate the hands of the hour, with a description, is given in the topic: Rustle: Last Visit – Alternate Ending.

List of saved periods, in these save files:

   Saturday 12 October
1. Hall, Saturday, 10 am
2. Hall, Saturday, 11 am
3. Hall, Saturday, 12 pm
4. Hall, Saturday, 2 pm
5. Hall, Saturday, 4 pm
6. Hall, Saturday, 5 pm
7. Hall, Saturday, 6 pm
8. Hall, Saturday, 7 pm
9. Hall, Sunday, 12 am
10. Hall, Sunday, 1 am

   Sunday, October 13
1. Hall, Sunday, 9 am
2. Hall, Sunday, 10 am
3. Hall, Sunday, 11 am
4. Hall, Sunday, 1 pm
5. Hall, Sunday, 2 pm
6. Hall, Sunday, 3 pm
7. Hall, Sunday, 4 pm
8. Hall, Sunday, 5 pm
9. Hall, Sunday, 6 pm
10. Hall, Monday, 12 am

   Monday, October 14
1. Hall, Monday, 1 am
2. Hall, Monday, 9 am
3. Hall, Monday, 10 am
4. Hall, Monday, 11 am
5. Hall, Monday, 12 pm
6. Hall, Monday, 1 pm
7. Hall, Monday, 2 pm
8. Hall, Monday, 3 pm
9. Hall, Monday, 4 pm
10. Hall, Monday, 5 pm

In the first two days, certain game moments move the clock hands 2 hours forward at once, but these transfers are not tied to a specific clock or sequence of actions. As a result, when you play these hours gaps may not match. For example: Sunday, October 13 – in these saves there is a sequence 11 – 1 – 2 h, you may have 11 – 12 – 2 h.

Alternative ending!

Detailed receipt description Alternate ending see the topic: Rustle: Last Visit – Alternate Ending.

To obtain the so-called, Alternate ending, in Game Rustle: director’s cut, just copy the last save file from the above list to the directory with the game:

   Monday, October 14
10. Hall, Monday, 5 pm
   from the directory with save files:
October 14 (Monday)

copy the file: scream.010

We start the game, open the menu item “Download game“, Select the position”10. Hall, Monday, 5 pm“.
After loading, we find ourselves in the Hall in front of the clock. Alternative ending is already activated, that is, this is the only ending that you can now get, regardless of your actions. You just have to collect the amulet, well, and then, you, and you yourself know everything.

Easter eggs!!!
The developers, in the best traditions of the genre, added to the game Easter eggs. Moreover, some of them are official Easter eggs from the developers themselves, and some are quest ones or have earned this proud name from the fans.
In the description, I cite only four main Easter eggs from the developers themselves. And the first and most important thing I cite only because it is directly related to the second Easter egg. It is curious that the first egg we find before even starting the game, it is enough to read the annotation to it. And the second, in contrast to the first, we find in the very end of the game.


In the Russian edition, and only in it, contrary to the general misconception that Alternate ending it does not, in fact, there are, already, two so-called Alternative endings:
   one. When, you, go down to the basement, then, to your great amazement, you discover something for which you were completely unprepared, even already knowing everything, about Alternative ending, according to foreign publications described on the Internet … It turns out that everything is to blame …, little green men???
   2. And only, picking up a note lying next to it, after reading which, we learn about the official Alternative ending, conceived by the authors.

So what do you say. The game turned out to be much more mystical than even the developers themselves imagined. In Russia, she began to live her own life, and herself supplemented herself, where, with more real mysticism than one could think of. No wonder, in Russia, everyone knows that reality is much more fantastic than the most sophisticated mind could think of!!!
And if, you are interested in the mysticism of the Russian edition, then perhaps it will be interesting for you to read The Theory of Delusions or the Quest of Six Years, in the subject: Rustle: Last Visit – Alternate Ending:

In fact, to get Alternate ending, you can upload any save file, starting from 1 pm, inclusive.
That is, it is already activated in:
   Monday, October 14
6. Hall, Monday, 1 pm
   from the directory with save files:
October 14 (Monday)

copy the file: scream.006
We start the game, open the menu item “Download game“, Select the position”6. Hall, Monday, 1 pm“.

To activate Original ending, load any save file until 1 pm, respectively, and no longer approach the typewriter.

Enjoy your horror movies at night!!!

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