The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim: Save Game (Sovngarde Tsuna Model)

Home » Video Game Saves » The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim: Save Game (Sovngarde Tsuna Model)
December 30, 2021
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim: Save Game (Sovngarde Tsuna Model)

Attention saving may not fit into the lore of the game.

location riverwood

saving as already written above represents Tsun’s model from sovngarde (it will be the same height as the original)

it has the same armor, it also has an enchanted Nordic ax.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim: Save Game (Sovngarde Tsuna Model) Free Download

Not a single quest has been touched.

there is a good deal of gold. as a bonus, your companion is eric (the same from roriksted).

I repeat the model can be made not according to the lore DON’T NEED TO REPEAT THIS IN THE COMMENTS

I make save on Skyrim and Oblivion to order to write in HP.

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