Battlefield 2: Tip (Class Weapon Swap)

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May 29, 2020
4 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Battlefield 2: Tip (Class Weapon Swap)

Hello! )

On this page I will show you how to replace weapons of different classes..

To begin with, I divide the replacement of weapons into two types:

  1. Replacing weapons for the same slots.
  2. Changing weapons for different slots.


1- Replacing weapons for the same slots:

For example, we will replace the American machine gunner’s machine gun with whatever, go to Battlefield 2 \ mods \ bf2 \ Objects \ Weapons \ Handheld \ and look for weapons that you like, for example, you selected sasrif_mg36, and now we return to the folder … \ bf2 \ and open \ Kits \ US \ now you need to transfer the LMB file called US_Support.con – this is the machine gunner’s class (although you can all classes at once so that you don’t bother with one class later) to the desktop, then right-click into properties and uncheck the “read only” checkbox, then click on “Ok”, now we transfer this file to the already open archive (back to its place), and now open US_Support.con and look for these lines:

ObjectTemplate.addTemplate USLMG_M249SAW and replace USLMG_M249SAW with our sasrif_mg36, and this is where the first kind of replacements ends. 

You can also replace weapons with others, from their own slots, for example, grenades can be replaced with an American rocket launcher.

2- Replacing weapons for different slots:

And in this example, we will replace the sniper’s pistol (2nd slot) with any submachine gun, after all, the sniper needs an automatic weapon, if the enemy comes very close, the pestle is not always effective.

And so again we go to Battlefield 2 \ mods \ bf2 \ Objects \ Weapons \ Handheld \ and look at any PP (although any weapon can be used), for example sasrif_mp7, now we return to … \ bf2 \

And again go to \ Kits \ US \ and do the same with US_Sniper.con as with the machine gunner, and when we return this file to its place, open it and look for these lines:

ObjectTemplate.addTemplate USPIS_92FS_silencer

Instead of USPIS_92FS_silencer, write sasrif_mp7 the line will look like this:

ObjectTemplate.addTemplate sasrif_mp7

But that’s not all, now you need to make sure that the MP-7 is not used in the third slot by any other class (if it is used by someone, either we replace this weapon with another, or we make this weapon – in our case mp7 – a double brother * but already with the second slot, which is what we need-), and if no one else is using it, go to \ Weapons \ Handheld \ sasrif_mp7 and with sasrif_mp7.tweak we do the same as before, namely, transfer LMB- sasrif_mp7.tweak to the desktop, then right-click the properties and uncheck the “read-only” checkbox, then click on “OK” and again LMB transfer this file to the open archive (just transfer it to its place), well and now you can change sasrif_mp7.tweak directly in the archive, and so open this file and look for the line:

ObjectTemplate.itemIndex 3 – slot number (third slot here)

and replace the three with two:

ObjectTemplate.itemIndex 2 – (second slot).

Now it seems everything)

Here you can also replace weapons with others, but from different slots, for example, a knife can be replaced with some kind of firearm, but with the condition that this firearm is no longer used by anyone or is used in the same slots, for example, instead of a knife, you can insert USSNI_M82A1 (if you edited the slot number: the first slot) and the machine gunner and the medic instead of the knife at the same time.

If something does not work out, ask questions in the comments, how I can help! ))


 * In the next pages I will show you how to do it.

Good luck! ))                     

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