Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom: Advice (Hot Keys)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom: Advice (Hot Keys)
December 28, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom: Advice (Hot Keys)

With these keys you will be able to control your city faster

List of all hotkeys (English alphabet):
P – Pause
[- Increase game speed by 10%
] – Slow down game speed by 10%
R – Rotate building
M – Freeze the building (so that it does not unfold)
Space (space) – switch to the current tab
Alt + X – quit the game
Enter – enable chat (for multiplayer)
arrows – move around the map
Ctrl + 1-5 – Tabs of the military campaign (some crashes when you press this keyboard shortcut)
Alt + 1-5 – Enter campaign 1-5 (for some it crashes when you press this keyboard shortcut)
Home – Rotate the map north
PgUp – Expand the map clockwise
PgDn – Expand the map counterclockwise
Ctrl + F1-F4 – Select tabs 1-4 on the map
F1-F4 – Go to tabs 1-4
F5 – Set Windowed Mode
F6 – Set the resolution to 800×600
F7 – Set the resolution to 1024×768
F8 – Places the Emperor in the center of the screen (if enabled in windowed mode)
F9 – Open Online Help (don’t press this)
1 – Select the tab with houses
2 – Select the agriculture tab
3 – Select industry tab
4 – Select the commerce tab
5 – Select the security tab
6 – Select the government tab
7 – Select entertainment tab
8 – Select the tab religion
9 – Select the military tab
0 – Select aesthetics tab
– – Select Monuments Tab
S – Houses
K – Walkers
G – Agriculture
T – Water
I – Industry
J – Distribution of goods
W – Water in houses
H – Medecina
Z – Dangers
U – Riots
X – Tax revenue
Y – Problems
E – Entertainment
L – Festivals
N – Musicians
O – Acrobats
; – Drama
A – Primordial religion (paganism)
Q – Taoism
B – Buddhism
C – Confucianism
V – Security
D – Desirability
F – Feng Shui

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