Gears of War 2 – List of achievements (Achievements) + Tips

Home » Gaming Tactics » Gears of War 2 – List of achievements (Achievements) + Tips
March 24, 2020
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Gears of War 2 – List of achievements (Achievements) + Tips

Green as Grass / Still green – 10G
Train a beginner (any difficulty).
After the initial cut-scene, you will be prompted to choose whether to train a recruit or skip
this moment. Just complete this little mission and you will receive the achievement.
It’s a Trap! / It is a trap! – 10G
Complete Act 1, Level 2.
Story achievement, obtained by completing the game.
Escort Service – 10G
Complete Act 1, Level 4.
Story achievement, obtained by completing the game.
Girl About Town – 10G
Complete Act 1, Level 6.
Story achievement, obtained by completing the game.
That Sinking Feeling – 10G
Complete Act 2, Level 4.
Story achievement, obtained by completing the game.
Freebaird! / Free Beard – 10G
Complete Act 2, Level 5.
Story achievement, obtained by completing the game.
Heartbroken / Broken hearts – 10G
Complete Act 2, Level 6.
Story achievement, obtained by completing the game.
Longitude and Attitude – 10G
Complete Act 3, Level 3.
Story achievement, obtained by completing the game.
Tanks for the Memories – 10G
Complete Act 3, Level 4.
Story achievement, obtained by completing the game.
Water Sports – 10G
Complete Act 3, Level 6.
Story achievement, obtained by completing the game.
There’s a Time for Us – 10G
Complete Act 4, Level 2.
Story achievement, obtained by completing the game.
Better Wrapped in Beacon – 10G
Complete Act 4, Level 3.
Story achievement, obtained by completing the game.
Have Fun Storming the Castle – 10G
Complete Act 4, Level 6.
Story achievement, obtained by completing the game.
And the Horse You Rode in On / The Humpbacked Horse – 10G
Complete Act 5, Level 1.
Story achievement, obtained by completing the game.
You Are the Support, Son – 10G
Complete Act 5, Level 2.
Story achievement, obtained by completing the game.
Brumak Rodeo / Brumak Rodeo – 10G
Complete Act 5, Level 4.
Story achievement, obtained by completing the game.
Does This Look Infected to You? / Do you think this is contagious? – 10G
Complete Act 5, Level 5.
Story achievement, obtained by completing the game.
Tourist of Duty – 25G
Finish the game on Casual difficulty.
See Achievement “Suicide Missionary / Kamikaze”.
Guerilla Tactician – 50G
Finish the game on Normal difficulty.
See Achievement “Suicide Missionary / Kamikaze”.
Artist of War 75 / Warmaster – 75G
Finish the game on Hardcore difficulty.
See Achievement “Suicide Missionary / Kamikaze”.
Suicide Missionary / Kamikaze – 150G
Complete the game on Insein difficulty.
To unlock this difficulty, you first need to complete the game on Casual, Normal
or Harde. Also, if you pass the game on high difficulty, then automatically
you get achievements for more and more easy levels. That is, after completing the game immediately on
Harde, you will receive achievements for Easy and Medium difficulty levels.
Invite a friend to play, for example, on the Kazual, and set yourself Insein.
After that, just tell your friend to run forward and endure everyone, while you
just stand behind and wait for your faithful friend to kill everyone on the level, after
just run further along the already cleared location.

1. Play in co-op. There is no particular benefit from the bot, but your friend will somehow be for you
to help.
2. Do not rush anywhere. Mostly death happens due to the fact that you
nonsense ran forward, accidentally jumped out of cover or wanted to kill
locusta melee.
3. Use a sniper rifle. One of the best weapons in the game. Kills
locusta with one bullet to the head. When passing on insane, I only used
her. We hid behind cover, looked out – gave someone a headshot, then again
hid. Thus, it will not be difficult to complete the game on insane..
4. Use a chainsaw and close strikes to save ammo.
Collector – 5G
Collect 5 items (any difficulty).
See Achievement “Completionist / Avid Collector”.
Pack Rat / Hoarder – 15G
Collect 20 items (any difficulty).
See Achievement “Completionist / Avid Collector”.
Completionist / Avid Collector – 30G
Collect 41 items (any difficulty).
When you pick up an item, it automatically goes into the combat log (regardless of whether you have reached
are you up to checkpoint or not). There you can view all the items that you found,
and you can also look in which chapters you missed some of the subjects, and
then just go through them and collect the missing secrets.
One-Night Stand / Romance for one night – 10G
Complete Level 1 Coop on Any Difficulty (Markus or Dom).
See Achievement “Friends with Benefits”.
Open Relationship – 30G
Complete 10 levels in Coop on any difficulty (Markus or Dom).
See Achievement “Friends with Benefits”.
Friends with Benefits – 50G
Complete all Coop Acts on Any Difficulty (Markus or Dom).
I would suggest combining this achievement with insane as pass
it is much easier in the coop.
And yes, don’t forget to complete Carmine’s tutorial at the start of the game..
Once More, With Feeling / Once More, With Feeling – 10 G
Get 30 Perfect Recharges (Any Mode).
To reload your weapon, press, then press again (at the moment when
the vertical stick will slide over the small white area) to
perform a perfect recharge. This reloading increases its speed, and
also increases the power of your weapon.
Takes a Licking – 30G
Destroy 30 Tickers in Melee (Any Mode).
Tickers are small critters that run up to you and explode. But before that
how to explode, they stand for about 2-3 seconds without moving, at this moment hit them
butt (just do not use the lancer as it will automatically turn on the saw).
Quite a few tickers can be found in Act 1, Level 5. Just restart
level and kill tickers and soon you will unlock achievement.
Organ Grinder / Meat Grinder – 10G
Kill 30 enemies with a multi-barreled machine gun (any mode).
To get this achievement, you need to kill locust not while shooting with
hips, and you need to hide behind low cover, and then look out
because of him, thereby setting the machine gun, only after that can you start
kill enemies.
Shock and Awe – 10G
Kill 30 enemies with the mortar (any mode).
The mortar is another heavy weapon that hits the area. To shoot him
hold down and then press and hold (this way you can charge the weapon to
increase the distance the missiles fly). The longer you hold, the
charges fly further.
Said the Spider to the Fly / Gingerbread man, sit on my tongue – 10G
Kill 10 enemies with a trap (any mode).
A trap is when you attach a grenade to a wall and create something like
mines (only it hangs on the wall) .To set the trap, click next to the wall.
For achievement you need the enemy to run next to this trap and
exploded with her. Frag grenades are best as
ink takes time to kill the enemy, and smoke does not cause damage at all.
Crowd Control / Riot police – 10G
While carrying a shield, kill 10 enemies in hand-to-hand combat (any mode).
The shield can be taken away (or rather, picked up from the corpse) from opponents whose names are
Maulers (they still walk with a huge sledgehammer on a chain). The shield provides excellent
protection, but the only weapon that can be used with it is
To achieve this, simply melee kill 10 enemies. For a blow with the butt
push .
Smells Like Victory – 10G
Kill 30 enemies with a flamethrower (any mode).
The flamethrower is another heavy weapon that is incredibly fast at dealing with
any enemy. The flamethrower is only effective at close range, however
by performing a perfect recharge you can increase the range of the flame.
Variety is the Spice of Death – 30G
Kill enemies with each weapon.
There are 15 types of weapons in the game:

• Boltok pistol
• Pistol Snub
• Gorgon pistol
• Hammerburst assault rifle
• Lancer
• Boomshot
• Shotgun
• Hammer of Dawn
• Sniper rifle
• Crossbow
• Mortar
• Multi-barreled machine gun
• Flamethrower
• Frag grenade
• Ink grenade.

The only difficulty is with the ink grenade. You can
to think that they killed the enemy, but in fact they just wounded him. I advise you to shoot down
some locust of legs, and when he crawls for help, throw
poison grenade.
Seriously 2.0 / Serious opponent – 50G
Kill 100,000 enemies (any mode).
This includes all the kills you have made in the single player campaign, multiplayer (ranked,
unranked, local, system link) and horde. I advise you to sit down for this achivmet only
when you have collected all the other achievements. To speed up the process of obtaining it,
load one of the following levels:
Act 1, Level 4
Stand behind the machine gun and fire at the locusts that will run out from under
land. Then press restart checkpoint and repeat again.
Act 5, Level 5
Sitting in Brumack, use rockets to destroy two large groups of locusts that
run out at you at the very beginning. Then restart the checkpoint and
repeat again.
The Brumak method is still faster, although you can use the method that
you like it better. Or run these two levels in turn, for the sake of at least some

To fully save all your kills, be sure to exit to the main menu
(i.e., do not turn off the console before you go to the main menu), otherwise you
lose all your kills.
Standing Here, Beside Myself – 10G
Win 3 Games in Partner Mode (excluding Custom Games).
In this mode, five teams of 2 people play. The goal is to collect a certain number of
points. The enemy can only be killed in melee or headshot.
Beat the Meatflag / Live Flag Winner – 10G
Capture the Live Flag 10 times in Live Shield game mode (game type – public).
A living flag is a person who must be knocked down and used as a
drag the human shield to your base. Moreover, a live flag can itself
defends itself on its own, so the enemy team still interferes with you, which
will try to stop you in every possible way.
It’s Good to be the King – 10G
Win 10 rounds of the Sentinel as a Commander (Public).
The goal of the Guardian is to kill the enemy leader and then all other players. While
the leader is alive, all other players will respawn indefinitely. Since you
you will not only have to win 10 rounds, but win them as a leader – this can
take a little longer than you might think.
The first time the leader is chosen randomly, and then the leader will be the one who either kills
enemy leader, or will be the first players on his team. One person not
can be a leader twice in a row.
You Go Ahead, I’ll Be Fine – 10G
Win 3 King of the Hill games (Public).
In order to win King of the Hill, you need to grab and hold
certain points on the map for a long time.
Back to Basic – 10G
Complete all 5 multiplayer lessons.
From the main menu, select “Training Ground” and just go through all the tutorials.
Achievement will open.
Party Like It’s 1999 / Party Like 1999 – 30G
Play 1999 rounds in multiplayer (any game).
I advise you to sit down for this achievement only when everyone else
multiplayer achievements already collected.
So, first, set the following parameters:

Match type: Local
Game type: Warzone (or Execution)
Number of rounds: 15
Round time: 1
Number of bots: 1 (or 9)
Bot difficulty: Easy
Friendly Fire: Off
Card selection: Host
Weapon: Customize (Mulcher for all)
Map: Day One

Due to the small amount of time and the large locust map (if you choose one
bot) most likely simply will not have time to find and kill you. And so round
will end in a stalemate. But even if they managed to finish you off, this
just one win out of 15.
The same goes for 9 bots. One team just won’t be able to do it in 1 minute
kill all enemies. This way the game will run indefinitely, you can just
leave it on and go to school / work yourself. And the bots themselves
will fill you with achievement.
Around the World, Again – 30G
Win multiplayer on all maps (any mode).
There are 10 multiplayer maps in total:

• Avalanche – Avalanche
• Blood Drive – Bloody passage
• Day One – Day One
• Hail – Grad
• Jancinto – Jacinto
• Pavilion – Pavilion
• River – River
• Ruins – Ruins
• Security – Security Zone
• Stasis – Stagnation
Dirty, Dirty Horde / Dirty, dirty horde – 20G
Survive the first 10 waves of the Horde (any mode, any map).
See Achievement “Hoard the Horde”.
Hoard the Horde – 30G
Complete all 50 waves in the horde (any difficulty, any card).
The easiest way to do this is by playing in co-op. For a faster opening, play on
Kazuale. Achievement is not particularly difficult.
Crossed Swords – 10G
Win 10 chainsaw duels (any mode).
Chainsaw duel occurs when you and the enemy meet with
chainsaws face to face. To win a duel you need to press the button
faster than your enemy. You can get an achievement during the campaign or
in multiplayer battles.
A Parting Gift – 20G
Kill 10 enemies with a grenade while crawling on your knees.
This achievement can only be earned in multiplayer (it is not available in the single).
So, first, find a couple of frag grenades (starting grenades –
stunning – not suitable since they do not cause damage, but only knock down
enemy from his feet) Then run up to the enemy (the main thing is to hold the grenade in your hands),
take damage and fall to your knees. Then when the enemy is nearby press
, thereby you activate the grenade. Kill yourself and (if you’re lucky) your
enemy. Then repeat 10 times.
Pound of Flesh / Kilos of flesh – 10G
Use human shield 10 times to survive.
The point of the achievement is that the meat shield will protect you from an attack that would kill
The easiest way to do this is: shoot your opponent in the legs to make him fall
on knees. After that, run up to it and attach a fragmentation grenade to it
– to do this, press with a grenade in your hands. Then click to pick up a meat shield.
In a second, the grenade will explode – killing the enemy locust and saving your life.
Photojournalist / Photojournalist – 10G
Post a photo.
In any multiplayer match (or training arenas) when you die,
then you can become a photographer for a couple of seconds. Just press the button anytime
and you will take a picture. Then return to the main menu and select “Combat Log”.
to the photos section, and then the button on any photo – this is how you publish

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