Need For Speed: Most Wanted (NFS MW): Tip (Making Vinyls)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Need For Speed: Most Wanted (NFS MW): Tip (Making Vinyls)
January 16, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Need For Speed: Most Wanted (NFS MW): Tip (Making Vinyls)

Required programs:

MWTex 0.02.1 – converter of * .bin files

Photoshop – graphic editor.

Photoshop DDS Plugin – Photoshop plugin that allows you to open DDS images,
exported by MWTex

Finding Vinyls:
They lie in the file “… \ Most Wanted \ Cars \ AUTO \ vinils.bin”.

If you are creating vinyl, you need to edit 2 DDS files in the BIN file – for example:


That is, first find the vinyl you need, and then the mask file – the name is the same, only plus another MASK or MAS or M.

The mask file is the same alpha channel, it shows which places to show and which not.

Black – do not show, white – show accordingly.
You won’t need a mask file if the vinyl shape stays the same.

Exporting files:

First of all, install the Photoshop DDS Plugin.

You need to work in a folder. It is more comfortable. Put the program in this folder

BinTex and the file “vinil.bin” of the car you like there. Let’s make a copy of this file.

Launch BinTex 0.4 and click File -> Open (Ctrl + O) and point to our “vinils.bin” file.
Select the vinyl we need, for example “IMPREZAWRX_BODY06”, and export it to the same folder with the command
Texture -> Export (Ctrl + E)

Vinyl Editing:
In Photoshop, open the “” file, specifying the DDS file type.

Editing vinyl as your heart desires.

Change the blue and red channels. “Image -> Adjustments -> Channel Offset”

Set the color to red as the exit channel and change the values:

0 – red and 100 blue.

Then we set the blue color as the exit channel and again change the values:

0 is now blue and 100 is red. Click OK.

Select File -> Save As, select the file format – DDS (checkmark opposite “Alpha channel”),
and click “Save”. Next, set the format palette RGB (8bit) or “palette
ARGB (256 colors) “,” No MIP maps “,” Border Color (1 texel) “,” 2D texture “and” Quick Compress
Method “. Click” Save “.

Importing files:

Open the BinTex program, open the same “vinils.bin” and look for the original vinyl,
then press Texture -> Import or Ctrl + 1 and import the file we saved,
replacing the original. And finally, we replace the file “vinils.bin” with the one in the folder with the car.
We go into the game and watch.

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