SpellForce / The Order of Dawn: Tip (Game Tips & Tactics)

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January 10, 2020
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

SpellForce / The Order of Dawn: Tip (Game Tips & Tactics)

There is a quick way to get the level of the hero – this is to wait, when you develop, since the enemies will go, but they will run out (believe me, it is checked !!!), the main thing is to put more towers and next to them your hero !!! There are two ways to destroy the enemy: 1) develop and then destroy (difficult !!!); 2) do not develop, but immediately go to destroy the enemy, since the enemy begins to develop at the same time as you, and you have enough strength for one hero to carry the enemy, because if you do not develop, then the enemy will not on the bases of practically resistance!!!

SpellForce / The Order of Dawn: Tip (Game Tips & Tactics)

About the Greydusk mission.

Passed calmly (Heavy warrior level 14). Activated the temple of elves and waited for the enemies of skeletons and “pigs” (trolls). If you correctly attack the “snitches” of one of the enemy armies, they begin to attack simultaneously. At first glance – delirium, but your enemies themselves are enemies and on the way to your camp they will fight. And only one adversary reaches you (“half-dead” skeleton as a rule). Or you can just wait for the “snitches” and kill them one by one, but there will be a little more raids, but not fatal (level up a little).

30 ARCHERS OF WIND + 10 WAGES OF WINTER – You can calmly cut down the “pigsty” and stand at the crossroads to cut down skeletons and “spots” that “burned” you. You grab a temple of heroes, make an ent, recruit 20 more archers and magicians, and forward you bring down skeletons on a serpentine road, reach the gate. Then I activated the temple of the elves and divided the army into 2 parts: ME + HEROES + MAGI and ENT + ARCHERS. 1st group to the north, 2nd to the south. EVERYTHING falls without problems. We go into the fortress, chat, recruit a limit of warriors of 30 magicians and 50 wind archers and ask to open the gates and go in a whole bunch first to the north along the way, leaving 5-6 elves near the northern 2 caves , then to the south, also leaving the elves near the southern 2 caves. There are 50-60 elves left and with them, with the heroes and the Ent, we make our way through the serpentine path to the leader, on the way losing mainly the magicians of winter, so they are not really needed, because the leader “turns on the vampire” and beats these adorable creatures. After a showdown with the skeleton leader. We send the entire (already replenished) army north to the third portal to Mortal Kombat with a bunch of skeletons, and we ourselves go to the fortress and solve problems there. Ent dies from skeletal magicians, but they run out of mana and they die without a fight under the onslaught of steel, ice and arrows. All other reptiles pose no threat.

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