X Rebirth: Council (Faction Reputation Changes)

Home » Gaming Tactics » X Rebirth: Council (Faction Reputation Changes)
September 23, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

X Rebirth: Council (Faction Reputation Changes)

Almost at the very beginning of the game (game version 4.30) during the passage of the plot, I captured Plutarch’s Taranis (he just pissed me off by destroying Titurel, which I intended to take on boarding), as a result of which Plutarch Mining’s rating fell from +2 to -22. It became terribly uncomfortable to play, and I really didn’t want to suffer for long hours raising the rating, in a word, straight to the point. You need to open your current save file, best of all with AkelPad you can also make a backup copy of the file with Notepade ++, and find two sections

id = “player” and in it find the line (it is located a little lower) the numbers will be different for everyone, we are only interested in the value relation = “- 0.182203” , you just need to remove the minus sign “-” in front of the numbers.

id = “plutarch” and in this section we find the line booster faction = “player” relation = “- 0.182203” time = “53284.139” /> the numbers, again, will be different for everyone and in meaning “player” relation = “- 0.182203” you just need to remove the minus sign “-” in front of the numbers. All. We save, start the game from this save, and if you come across hostile spikes, just contact them and the hostility will disappear immediately. For example, after removing the minus sign, Plutarch’s rating changed from -22 to +22. Good game.

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