Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005): Trainer (+26) [Latest] {MW Inside}

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July 13, 2021
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By Jonny Gamer

Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005): Trainer (+26) [Latest] {MW Inside}

Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005): Trainer (+26) [Latest] {MW Inside} Free Download

Game: Need for Speed ​​Most Wanted 2005
Trainer version: v.1000.yotube
Author: MW Inside

The Need for Speed Most Wanted trainer uses mods – “NFSMW Extra Options by nlgzrgn”.

The NFS Most Wanted trainer has been tested for Windows 7 x64 SP1 Ultimate and game version 1.3 black edition.

Description of Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005): Trainer (+26)

– You can tune (styling, tuning) any car (for example BMW M3 GTR E46)
– Stopwatch tracks are now available in the Quick Races menu
– You can choose whether the cops will race or not in the in-game track options settings menu
– You can set the number of laps now 1-127 🙂 (option for nerds)
– You can set the number of opponents now 0-8
– You can set the number of laps in elimination races
– Removed the “Internet” menu from the main menu
– Hidden submenus are open in the BlackList section
now there are 21 positions:
16) Horn – no races
17) no races
18) no races
19) races from the “Pursuit” mode of the main menu (70 races)
20) hidden and unfinished races of demo versions (7 races). Opened when installing a patch. All races have been improved and fixed;)
21) 3 races from the Black Edition
– Fixed Info on Tollbooth, Lap Knockout, Speedtrap and LAN Challenge game modes.
– Functions from ModLoader (windowed mode, Skip videos, Music / Sounds on / off).
– Features from Widescreen Fix.
– Additional 3 hidden cameras available. Fixed their names.
You can change the setting of the Chase camera (# 7). Automatic activation when camera is selected.
The camera is controlled by the numeric keys of the NumPad keyboard, laptop users without NumPad keys
do not have access to these functions.
# 2 = Down
# 5 = Top
# 4 = Angle Left
# 6 = Angle Right
# 1 = Back
# 3 = Forward
# 8 = default / saved setting
Ctrl + # 8 = save setting
/ = Tilt down (no limit, be careful with this function)
* = Tilt up (no limit, be careful with this function)
+ = FOV (overview) enlarge
– = FOV (view) decrease
– Specialty Vinyl – Category in the Vinyl Selection Menu (Boss Vinyls).
– Fixed the “empty icon” error in the “Fast Race” track selection menu.
– You can do hex tuning (Junkman, all kinds of paints).
– Fixed the controller for the number of laps in LAN mode.
– Fixed disappearing wheels.
– Hacked garage camera.

================================================== =================================
– Menu:

• Start – starts the game.

• Mode – Trainer Modes (Hotkeys, Pursuit, Teleport, Online)

• Hotkeys – The main functions of the NFS MW trainer:
F1 – on / off – infinite nitro (does not work online!).
F2 – on / off – infinite time dilation.
F3 – on / off – disables accidents in free driving and racing (Ghost).
F4 – on / off – no rivals in the races.
F5 – on / off – never get caught.
F6 – on / off – end the chase.
F7 – on / off – flight mode (does not work in online mode!).
(9) – up
(7) – down
(8) – gas
(5) – brake
(4) – turn left
(6) – turn right
(0) – instant stop

Ctrl + L – on / off – turn on flashing lights on police cars.
Ctrl + M – $ 1’000’000 in career (does not add, just makes 1’000’000).
Ctrl + R – on / off – victory over the Raiser at the beginning of the game (you can reach the finish line, however, you will not get a BMW).
Ctrl + S – on / off – the “To the garage” menu is always available, even in pursuit.
Ctrl + H – headlights light:
(0) – off
(1) – on (half brightness)
(2) – on
Ctrl + F – “freeze” the selected car
1) go to any car selection menu
2) choose the car you like
3) press Ctrl + F to “freeze” it
4) start any fast race or go to career mode *.
* Please do not draw the attention of the police and / or do not win any bonus with a “frozen” car. If it’s not a career car, your game will crash.
! You can also use locked cars with this option!

Alt + B – on / off – Removes the excavator near the old bridge.
Alt + C – on / off – unlock hidden cameras (3 additional cameras).
Alt + Q – on / off – unlock all tracks in the “Competition Series” and in the “Fast Race”.
Alt + P – on / off – Unlocks all tuning in “Career” mode
Alt + A – on / off – All cars (bonus, traffic …) are available in the store for purchase.
Alt + M – on / off – Unlocks all cars in “My cars” and “Career” (there is no binding to a place in the “Black List”)
Alt + T – on / off – Time of traffic appearance (free roam and races) after 68 minutes (by default after 4 seconds).
Alt + R – on / off – Removes all barriers in the game (does not work online!).

– J – Jump (height can be adjusted).
– Z – speed is equal to that set in the settings (does not work online).
– X – speed х2 (does not work online).

• Pursuit – Pursuit Mode: <изменен из-за смены дизайна>
– Ability to replace any level of chase
– The ability to change some settings for each of the 10 chase levels:
1) Bonus for 10 sec – rating awarded for every 10 seconds of the chase
2) CoolDown – cooling time in the shelter
3) Cop spawn time (sec) – time for the appearance of reinforcements in seconds
4) Num cops for reinforcement – the number of remaining vehicles to trigger the reinforcement timer
5) Heli fuel time (sec) – Helicopter presence time in seconds
6) Heli spawn time (sec) – Time after which the helicopter will appear again in seconds
– Ability to set the maximum chase level (maximum 10)
“Apply” – save the set parameters
“Default” – return the default settings

• Teleport – Teleport:
– Ctrl + 1/2/3/4/5/6 – Remember Location.
– Alt + 1/2/3/4/5/6 – teleport to the selected location.

• Online – Online:
– Ability to set the race “Stopwatch” and “To Departure”
to do this, at the end of the race, go to the Need for Speed Most Wanted 2005 trainer window and select the desired track,
then return to the game and exit the race to the room. The track will already be installed.
ATTENTION!!! In the host, you cannot press “2” to change the race parameters – the game “crashes”!!!
– Ability to set the number of laps to more than eight.
– The ability to change the number of players in the host more than 4 (if you put 5, the timer will stop)
– Ability to freeze N2O (NOS), coincidence of characteristics (Perfomance) and accidents (Collision)
– Ability to change host mode (ranked / normal).

• Hex:
Junkman – you can install Junkman parts
Paint – car painting
Rim paint – painting wheels
Tint – toning
Gauge – speedometers (Niddle – arrow, Lettering – dial, Face – background)

• Patch:
Patch 1.4 by MW Inside
– eliminates version conflict (from Soft-Club).
– Exe-shnik is not sensitive to the language in the registry, the game will have Russian and the videos will work
– fixed Mia’s Mazda (rx8sppedt from RX8SPEEDT folder)
– fixed problems with the sound of cops and some traffic cars, which led to the crash of the game
– some cars were added to races as rivals (Camaro SS, BMW M3 GTR E46 and others)
– slightly adjusted control of Sergeant Cross’s car
Mod Loader – installs / uninstalls Mod Loader. <теперь не настраивается через трейнер, так как функции встроены в него>
WideScreen Mode – installs / removes Widescreen Fix by ThirteenAG. <теперь не настраивается через трейнер, так как функции встроены в него>
– incorrect operation is possible due to different power of computers…
Black Edition – installs / removes Black Edition patch.
NfS Underground 2 Save – setting the U2 save to receive a bonus at the start of a career.

• ExtraOption: – Extra Option setting.

– Enable – enable / disable
– Tollbooth on Quick Race menu – Stopwatch in the race menu.
– Cops on Track menu – Police selection in the track menu
– 1-127 Laps & 0-7 Rivals – 1-127 laps and 0-7 opponents (4-7 opponents will not have textures on their cars)
– Changing Laps for KnockOut – the ability to change the number of laps in knockout races
– Hide Online menu – hide the “Internet” menu
– Online on Option menu – Online menu in settings
– BlackList Rival (0-21) – Open hidden submenus in the BlackList section
– Boss Vinyl Category – Specialty Vinyls in Vinyls Menu (Boss Vinyls)
– All Game Mode on LAN – all racing modes in a multiplayer game
– SafeHouse Camera Hack – Garage Camera Hack

• Settings:
Mod Loader – (windowed mode, skip intro, sound, music)
Widescreen Fix – (widescreen resolution options)
Graphics – graphics
– Motion Blur – Blur in the game (On / Off)
– Rain Effect – Rain effect (drops on windshield) (On / Off)
– Particle System – (On / Off)
– Visual Treatment – Lighting Effects (Max / Min)
– Car Geometry Detail – Detail of the car (Max / Min)
– World Level of Detail – Track detail level (0-3)
– Change Color – changes colors in the game (configurable in Color.exe or manually)
– Resolution & Position – screen resolution AND position of the window relative to the upper left corner
Language – changes the language in the registry

•? – information about the program.

Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005): Trainer (+26) [Latest] {MW Inside}
Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005): Trainer (+26) [Latest] {MW Inside}
Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005): Trainer (+26) [Latest] {MW Inside}
Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005): Trainer (+26) [Latest] {MW Inside}
Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005): Trainer (+26) [Latest] {MW Inside}
Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005): Trainer (+26) [Latest] {MW Inside}

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