Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide: Cheat (IamLupo mod v0.17.2) [1.9.7]

Home » Video Game Cheats » Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide: Cheat (IamLupo mod v0.17.2) [1.9.7]
November 23, 2020
5 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide: Cheat (IamLupo mod v0.17.2) [1.9.7]


Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide: Cheat (IamLupo mod v0.17.2) [1.9.7] Free Download

A mod that makes it possible to add many new features to the game (including cheats). Also contains lua injector and developer library.


1. Unpack the contents of the downloaded archive into the game binaries folder (… \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Warhammer End Times Vermintide \ binaries)

2. Run VMM.exe (vermintide mod manager)

2.1. Click the button in the upper left corner “Install VMF”

2.2. In the list below, select and activate the desired mods (RMB on the desired mod => Activate)

3 *. Launch the game (via Steam and without a launcher)

4. Press Esc, go to the settings, select the new item “Mod settings” and configure what you need

* If the installation is successful, after downloading to the tavern, the message “Vermintide Mod Framework 0.17.2 started” should appear in your chat

Description of some useful functions:

Ban / Player List Kick – mods that allow you to ban or kick a player without voting if you are a host

Bot Improvements – a mod that improves bots (item trade, improved combat, selection of books, and more)

Deathwish is a mod that makes the difficulty of cataclysms even more difficult

Enemy Highlight – a cheat that illuminates all or selected enemies with a red aura on the entire map

Enemy Spawn Rates – a mod that allows you to increase the amount of spawn of any mob

God Mode – Immortality Cheat

Heal Up – Instant Health Recovery Cheat

Item Dispencer – a cheat that allows you to spawn any item (weapons, hats) into your inventory

Loadfile – lua injector, allows you to load additional scripts, for example 100% proc chance of weapon bunus

No Overcharge – cheat that turns off overheating on staffs and fire pistols

Pause Game – a mod that adds a pause to the game

Player LIst Equipment – a mod that adds information about weapons, bonuses and trinkets of each player to the player list (Tab)

Show Items – a cheat that highlights all consumables and books on missions

Stormvermin Mutation is a mod that replaces slave rats with a clan of rats, clan rats with storm rats, special units – with ogres (since clan rats mostly run in the game, now you will have only attack aircraft in armor running)

Superjump is a cheat that adds super high jumps to all players

Third person – a mod that adds a 3rd person view to the game (very convenient by the way)

Details about spawning items:

1. Activate Item Dispencer in the mod manager (VMM) and start the game

1.2. In the downloaded archive we find the Additional folder, in it we open the file Vermintide Item List 1.8.1 and find the desired item, in the last column we remember the id, for example dr_2h_hammer_1001 *

2. In the tavern, open the chat and write the command / giveitem and the id of the desired item separated by a space, press Enter

Example: / giveitem dr_2h_hammer_1001

* You can also write the / itemlist command in the chat and the ItemList.txt file will be created in the binaries folder with all possible item ids that may not be in the Vermintide Item List 1.8.1

Details about 100% weapon bonuses:

1. In the downloaded archive, open the Advanced folder, copy the test.lua file to the binaries \ mod_loader \ loadfile folder (appears after VMM installation)

2. In the mod manager, activate the Loadfile mod

3. Enter the game, open the chat in the tavern and write the command / loadfile test

4. Open the smithy and in the improvements section unlock any closed cell with a bonus on weapons

If you don’t want a 100% bonus, then open test.lua in your notebook and change 3 values ​​”1.00″ to the desired one (1.00 – 100%, 0.50 – 50%, etc.)

Miscellaneous tips:

After activating almost any mod in the game settings in Mod Settings, a new item appears with the settings of this mod, for example, adjusting the camera range when viewed from a 3rd person (I recommend 400 at once), etc..

You can activate new mods right during the game through the mod manager, then in the game press Ctrl + SHift + R to update.

Before installing, I advise you to make a backup copy of the original binaries folder.

If you set yourself a 100% chance of a Heroic strike (charged attack), then you can take out ogres from 1 poke (not to mention the rest of the mobs), if you put 100% Acceleration on the staff, you can shoot almost without overheating, and if 100% Scavenger on the bow, you will have endless ammo.

If you are connected to a server whose host has a mod for the players’ equipment list in Tab, then it can burn your 100% bonuses on weapons: D (by the way, information about% weapon bonuses is available only to the host, the client sees default numbers , not the ones that the player actually has)

Many mods have hotkeys, which can be found in the mod description window in the mod manager on the right.

The performance is tested on the game version 1.9.7 (from 20.07.17)

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