Total War: Shogun 2: Cheat (Removing building restrictions and recruiting squads)

Home » Video Game Cheats » Total War: Shogun 2: Cheat (Removing building restrictions and recruiting squads)
June 30, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Total War: Shogun 2: Cheat (Removing building restrictions and recruiting squads)

The modification removes the restrictions on the number of unique buildings in the game and units.

Total War: Shogun 2: Cheat (Removing building restrictions and recruiting squads) Free Download

Allows you to build buildings, hire soldiers, explore in one turn.

There is a version with a rebelance of the number of soldiers.

For convenience, everything is split into separate files..

Installation: Put the contents of the archive in Total War SHOGUN 2 Gold Edition \ Data


Important! Added repackaged mods conflict with each other, as they affect the same buildings and units.

Unique buildings conflict with mod – fast construction. Quick recruitment conflicts with the mod – there is no limit for units (buildings with buildings and units with units).

Added repackaged compatible versions for quick construction to the archive – removing the limit on the construction of unique buildings and quick recruitment – there is no limit on units (they can be installed together), and a separate version for quick construction – together with a separate one for unique buildings, is not allowed).

Author: Mavis, free distribution. Enjoy your game everyone.

Total War: Shogun 2: Cheat (Removing building restrictions and recruiting squads)

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