Torchlight 2: Rapid Respec / free stats redistribution + cheats without cheater flag

Home » Video Game Cheats » Torchlight 2: Rapid Respec / free stats redistribution + cheats without cheater flag
September 23, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Torchlight 2: Rapid Respec / free stats redistribution + cheats without cheater flag

Main Features:

Torchlight 2: Rapid Respec / free stats redistribution + cheats without cheater flag Free Download

* Free, unlimited respec of attributes, skills, and spells.
* Faster (and more forgiving of mistakes) than the in-game interface with a respec mod, especially for high-level characters.
* Optional character legitimacy controls to restrict build possibilities to only those that could have been produced through normal gameplay. (If you use these, your character will not be labeled as a cheater.)
* Guild-Wars-style load and save builds with a single click. (A customizable scaling and breakpointing algorithm adapts builds across different character and fame levels.)
* Guilds-Wars-style build codes for sharing builds over forums or in-game chat.
* Aesthetic controls – change your character’s name, sex, face, hairstyle, hair color, bandana color (Outlander), pet name, pet type, and pet scale.
* Cheats – give your character more gold, clone your character, change single-player difficulty level, change NG cycle, resurrect dead hardcore characters, promote a softcore character to hardcore, (resurrect and) demote a hardcore character to softcore, and change * death count. (Your character will not be labeled as a cheater.)
* Remove the “cheater flag” caused by console use.
* Remove erroneous mod bindings so that your character can be played without the bound mods and items are preserved.
* Broad compatibility with mods.

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