Flatout 2: Cheat (Megahack v1)

Home » Video Game Cheats » Flatout 2: Cheat (Megahack v1)
October 8, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Flatout 2: Cheat (Megahack v1)

This cheat adds endless pushes in stunts, an endless timer in derby and extended lobby options.

Flatout 2: Cheat (Megahack v1) Free Download

Advanced lobby options provide access to server settings even if you are not an online host, but 2 buttons disappear, such as about the player and view the session. On a local network, you can kick players on the button about a player without voting, change server settings even if you are not a host.

Flatout 2: Cheat (Megahack v1)
Flatout 2: Cheat (Megahack v1)
Flatout 2: Cheat (Megahack v1)
Flatout 2: Cheat (Megahack v1)
Flatout 2: Cheat (Megahack v1)

Installation (for an unpacked game):

Download the archive, unpack the folder for the “unpacked game”. The folder contains the file cheat.bfs. Drag the file to the root folder of the game FlatOut 2. Open the patch file in the root folder using notepad. Make an empty line above patch1.bfs and write cheat.bfs as in the screenshots.

Flatout 2: Cheat (Megahack v1)
Flatout 2: Cheat (Megahack v1)

We save the file. We start the game. Done✔.

Installation (for an unpacked game):

Download the archive, unpack the “for the unpacked game” folder. The folder contains the data folder. Drag the folder to the root folder of the FlatOut 2 game with replacement.

We start the game. Done✔.

If you want to play online / local network with this cheat, then you need to install Online Tools. After downloading, unpack the archive, drag all files in the folder to the root folder with the game. If you don’t have a profile in Flatout 2, then you need to create one with any nickname other than Player. Run fo2pdb.exe, click skip. We turn to tweaks. Launch the game and minimize it. We install the game version 1.2 in the program.

Works with unpacked game and unpacked game.

Flatout 2: Cheat (Megahack v1)

We go to the online / local network. Choose a server, connect and play✔.

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