Adrenaline 2: Rush Hour: Code (Lots of money)

Home » Video Game Cheats » Adrenaline 2: Rush Hour: Code (Lots of money)
October 20, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Adrenaline 2: Rush Hour: Code (Lots of money)

In the folder [game folder] / scripts / a2game / There is a file tuning.nut

Adrenaline 2: Rush Hour: Code (Lots of money) Free Download

It has lines like
{wheel_Res = “wheel_xx_DynModel”, preset = “xxx”, script = {level = xx, cost = xxxx,}},
The number after level = is like the required level to buy wheels, and after cost = this is the price. Change to a negative number (I bet -1000000), save the file and buy wheels in the game, getting money. There you can change the price and the required level for other details, including for adrenaline devices. Here.

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