Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag: Save Converter by 3DM

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September 22, 2021
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag: Save Converter by 3DM

If you, like me, decided to return to the licensed Black Flag and found that Ubisoft’s cloud saves have not been fixed (although they promised a couple of years ago), and your save and time spent has sunk into oblivion, then there is a possible way out.

Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag: Save Converter by 3DM Free Download

A diligent search down to the Chinese forums, I managed to pull out the 3DM game cracker save converter. Because With game saves it is more convenient to operate on the pirated version than on the licensed one, then there are several pirated passages on PG, including 100%. Most of them support the 3DM version of the game. Therefore, they can be converted from 3DM to license, and vice versa.. 

Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag: Save Converter by 3DM

Personally, I only used to convert to license. 

  1. Set From 3DM save;
  2. In Converted save, write your license key. If you’re afraid, don’t use a converter. I expect from you at least some quick wits.
  3. Click Convert save and specify the path to the save file in the format [number] .save (so if you have several files:,, … repeat step 3 for each);
  4. Copy the save to the Uplay directory – Ubisoft Game Launcher \ savegames \ [some letters, numbers] \ [a three-digit number like 441, 442, etc. different versions of the game are different. the main thing – starts with 44 and three digits].

It is possible to activate unavailable DLC for a license! Depends on saving. After using after converting 100% passage, I got access to the DLC about Aveline, which was in some kind of Deluxe edition. At the same time, the Season Pass and the basic version of the game were purchased from me, in which it is not included.

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