Game for Kassandra, 30 lvl, 900k + coins, improved weapons, armor for a comfortable fighting game, improved ship, almost all abilities are open.
There are Epic and Legendary items.
How to start without problems understanding the plot, if you are playing for the first time – go through the entire prologue and sail from Kefalonia, killing a pirate ship, 3 Athenian ones, and talk to the son of a wolf (Nicholasius), right after that you can throw save and load from him.
Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey: Save Game (Kassandra, lvl 30, improved weapons, armor for a comfortable fighting game, improved ship, almost all abilities are open) Free Download
CPY: C: / Users /% UserName% / Documents / CPY_SAVES / CPY / UPLAY / 5059
In CPY.ini: UplayID = c91c91c9-1c91-c91c-91c9-1c91c91c91c9 change to e43a5a9d-26df-4fd9-b99f-4c684d6fdc09 (or vice versa, I don’t remember XD)