Swag and Sorcery: Save Game (4 heroes, three bosses defeated)

Home » Video Game Saves » Swag and Sorcery: Save Game (4 heroes, three bosses defeated)
November 8, 2021
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Swag and Sorcery: Save Game (4 heroes, three bosses defeated)

!Unpack archive.

Saving File: 1 (or name the number under which cell will be) 
Throw it into a hidden folder (in the disk on which the game is recorded (for example “C”))

C: \\ Users \\ YOU \\ AppData \\ LocalLow \\ Lazy Bear Games \\ Swag and Sorcery \\

Swag and Sorcery: Save Game (4 heroes, three bosses defeated) Free Download

4 heroes (18, 17, 16 and 10 lvl), three bosses defeated.

(for simple gold farming, craft and sell!))

Swag and Sorcery: Save Game (4 heroes, three bosses defeated)

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