Killing Floor 2: Save Game (All achievements, characters, weapons, etc.)

Home » Video Game Saves » Killing Floor 2: Save Game (All achievements, characters, weapons, etc.)
November 9, 2021
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Killing Floor 2: Save Game (All achievements, characters, weapons, etc.)

1. Enter the game in offline mode under any nickname to create a profile in the game folder

2. The downloaded file (Stats.bin) is copied to Killing Floor 2 \ Binaries \ Win64 (or 32) \ Profile \ profile name \ Stats

3. Start the game.

4. 284 of 285 achievements unlocked: characters, weapons, perks lvl 6

Killing Floor 2: Save Game (All achievements, characters, weapons, etc.) Free Download

Everything works for me so do not shout in the comments that who has everything became level 0, I immediately say that I do not remember for which version like 1064 

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