The Darkness 2: Save Game (100%, true ending)

Home » Video Game Saves » The Darkness 2: Save Game (100%, true ending)
December 15, 2021
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

The Darkness 2: Save Game (100%, true ending)

Completed the game, New Game + mode is open, Jenny is released. Skills are fully pumped. You will have the opportunity to continue the current saved game and view the ending, for this in the main menu, click “Continue”.

Path to retrieve save on Windows 7: C: \\ Users \\ * your_user_name * \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\

The Darkness 2: Save Game (100%, true ending) Free Download

It is also easier to extract the save using WinRAR by specifying the system variable in the “extraction path” % appdata%

P.S. Passed with SKiDROW crack.

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