Mafia II 2: + Jimmy’s Vendetta: Save Game (100%, high level, pure statistics) {License 1C + 5 DLC}

Home » Video Game Saves » Mafia II 2: + Jimmy’s Vendetta: Save Game (100%, high level, pure statistics) {License 1C + 5 DLC}
December 23, 2021
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Mafia II 2: + Jimmy’s Vendetta: Save Game (100%, high level, pure statistics) {License 1C + 5 DLC}

100% passed the game on a high level of difficulty, collected all posters and magazines, reset statistics…
+saving Jimmy’s Vendetta (100% passed)

throw files from archive to:
For WinXP: C: / Documents and Settings / Username / Local Settings / Application Data / 2K Games /

Mafia II 2: + Jimmy’s Vendetta: Save Game (100%, high level, pure statistics) {License 1C + 5 DLC} Free Download

For Vista / 7: C: / Username / AppData / Local / 2K Games /

Saving from the 1C + 5 DLC license, working on cracks (tested on SKIDROW – Works)

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