Mass Effect + Mass Effect 2 (ME + ME2): Save Game (for import into ME3) (female, kayden roman (ME), garrus (ME2), all dlc passed, paragon 100%)

Home » Video Game Saves » Mass Effect + Mass Effect 2 (ME + ME2): Save Game (for import into ME3) (female, kayden roman (ME), garrus (ME2), all dlc passed, paragon 100%)
February 22, 2024
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Mass Effect + Mass Effect 2 (ME + ME2): Save Game (for import into ME3) (female, kayden roman (ME), garrus (ME2), all dlc passed, paragon 100%)

Female Persian
astronaut lone survivor
Normandy Crash Site
Lair of the shadow broker

council saved
rahni saved
rex is alive
kayden is alive
romance with kayden

romance with Garrus
consul anderson

Mass Effect + Mass Effect 2 (ME + ME2): Save Game (for import into ME3) (female, kayden roman (ME), garrus (ME2), all dlc passed, paragon 100%) Free Download

everyone is loyal
Everyone is alive
Sidonis is gone (in the Garrus mission)
the hoists were not kicked out of the fleet
Samara is alive (Morint is dead)
saved Mordin’s data

if someone has problems transferring the save to ME3:

I will explain how to make the game see the saves.
First, you need to run Mass Effect 3 at least once in order to create documents (for the most).
Go to my documents with the game, for example:
c: UsersUsernameDocumentsBioWare
We look, all our games are series, in fact, I have Mass Effect 3 and that’s it..
We do this, create a Mass Effect 2Save path and, for example, a Shep_12__190713 folder, the latter is required.
We throw our saves there.
Next, go to the folder with the documents Mass Effect 3BIOGameConfig
There we have a file GamerSettings.ini, run it through notepad, we see the line
Location =
After that, we register the path of our saves, for example:
Location = c: UsersMizraelDocumentsBioWareMass Effect 2SaveShep_12__190713

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