[!] – unsafe feature that might get you banned.
Dark Souls 3: Cheat Engine Table [Updated 05/18/2016] [1.04.2] {Phokz} Free Download
-Unlimited iFrames (godmode + no fall damage)
-Unlimited Durability
-Unlimited Items [!]
-Disable Gravity (air walking)
-No fall damage
-Ignore Status Effects (doesn’t actually work)
-No Reload (semi-broken)
-Noclip (semi-broken)
-No Equip Load
-Access All Bonfires [!]
-100% Drop Rate [!]
-Prevent Camera Changing (“Lock Camera State”)
-Monster Vac (teleports all monsters to you)
-Camera control
-Debug Free Cam
-First person cam
-Teleport scripts
-Vacuum Scripts and Backstab teleport
-Item Swap [!] (That’s what people use to “spawn items”)
-Last Weapon Highlighted (EQUIP_PARAM_WEAPON_ST helper)
-Last Armor Highlighted (EQUIP_PARAM_PROTECTOR_ST helper
-Last Stackable Item Highlighted [!]
-Last Spell Highlighted (MAGIC_PARAM_ST helper)
-Last Ring Highlighted (EQUIP_PARAM_ACCESSORY_ST helper)
-Basic Bullet structure helper (all edits are clientside only)
-Effect Helper (SP_EFFECT_PARAM_ST helper)
-Hero Stats (HP, FP, Stamina, Souls [!], Speed Modifier)
-Attributes [!] And Souls Level [!]
-Covenants [!] (Current Covenant [!], Covenant scores [!])
-Gestures [!] (Equip any Gesture, Unlock any Gesture)
-Appearance [!], Gender, Class (Do rebirth to change base attributes) Body Proportions, [!] Face Details [!]
-Current Equipment (Equip any armor, weapon, spell) [!]
-New Game pointer [!]
-Last bonfire [!]
-Character Name [!]
-Ember flag [!]
-Current Save Slot [!]
-Chr_type (phantom type)
-Team_type (hostility)
-Force invasion
World flags
-Unlock Bonfires [!]
-Remote Elevator Control
-Open / Close Doors [!]
-Revive and Kill Bosses [!]
-Rosaria’s Rebirths
-End Current Playthrough [!]
-Group mask render values (hide map, objects, character, sfx)
-Lock_Tg_Man> Increase Lock On Distance (Increase “LockRangeRadiusBonus” for longer lock on)
–No Hit (same as unlimited iframes)
–No Damage (disables damage)
–No Dead (hp decreases, but you can’t die, also disables insta death events like gravity etc)
–No FP consumption (unlimited magic)
–No Stamina Consumption (unlimited stamina)
–No Update
–Disable Back-read Toggle
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