![Stellaris: Cheat Engine Table [1.2.0]](https://i.playground.ru/p/xsH8e5ILUpX8GgIbgX2ZYQ.png?800-auto)
[X] <== Minimum Resources (main ones)
Stellaris: Cheat Engine Table [1.2.0] Free Download
[X] <== Minimum Research Points
[X] <== Quick Research (in Few months or days)
[X] <== Pretty Quick Research
[X] <== Quick Tasks (Survey, Investigation, etc)
[X] <== Quick Production (of ships)
[X] <== Quick Colonization/Population (in Few months or days)
[X] <== Quick Building (in Few months or days)
[X] <== Minimum Resource per Tile (look at the planet surface)
[X] <== God Mode (Ships/Stations/Planets/Troops)
[X] <== Static Troop Morale
[X] <== Fast Fleet Warp Wind-down
[X] <== Minimum Maximum # of Leaders
[X] <======= Player Info
Faction Name (> 16)
Faction Name (< 16)
Physics Research Stored Points (x1000) ==>
Society Research Stored Points (x1000) ==>
Engineering Research Stored Points (x1000) ==>
[X] <======= Current Ruler Info (Look at Government)
First Name (< 16)
First Name (> 16)
Current XP (x1000) ==>
Age Base (x1) ==>
[X] <======= Last Selected Character Info (game Paused)
First Name (> 16)
First Name (< 16)
Current XP (x1000) ==>
Age Base (x1) ==>
[X] <===================== Resource X Selected Tile Info
[X] <===================== Pick a Resource Info (by Index)
Resource Current Index (1 to MAX) =====>
Resource Maximum Index (DONNOT CHANGE IT)
Resource Current Index Pointer (can be copied) <=======
Resource Name (> 15)
Resource Name (<16)
[X] <===================== Selected Tile Resource(s) Info
Tile 1st Resource Type Pointer (can pasted) =======>
Tile 1st Resource Name (> 15)
Tile 1st Resource Name (<16)
Tile 2nd Resource Type Pointer (can pasted) =======>
Tile 1st Resource Name (> 15)
Tile 1st Resource Name (<16)
Translation: Copy the above text and paste it into the translator 🙂
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