Cultist Simulator: Cheat Engine Table [UPD: 12.11.2018] {Shinkansen}

Home » Video Game Cheats » Cultist Simulator: Cheat Engine Table [UPD: 12.11.2018] {Shinkansen}
January 28, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Cultist Simulator: Cheat Engine Table [UPD: 12.11.2018] {Shinkansen}

V1003 – 2018-11-12

Cultist Simulator: Cheat Engine Table [UPD: 12.11.2018] {Shinkansen} Free Download

1. ElementStackToken.
“Lifetimes Set to Optimal?” Fixed to be more selective and cover more cards.

V1002 – 2018-11-11
1. Tested game version V2018.10.k.4 32-bit. May work on other versions.

2. SituationController.
“Greedy Set to Non-Greedy?” sets Greedy Situations to Non-Greedy and don’t attract cards.

Allows the following to be modfied.
– “SituationController Stats -> currentCharacter -> recipeExecutions”. Some flags and counters.

3. ElementStackToken.
“Uniques Set to Non-Unique?” sets Unique cards to be non-Unique.
“Lifetimes Set to Non-Lifetimes?” sets Lifetime cards to be non-Lifetime.
“Stackable Cards Quantity Set to Massive?” sets Stackable card quantities to massive.
“Lifetime Cards Quantity Set to Massive?” sets Lifetime card quantities to massive.
“Cards Quantity Set to 1?” sets card quantities to 1.

V1001 – 2018-06-13
1. Tested game version V2018.6.e.1 32-bit. May work on other versions.

2. CardMove.
“Move Set to Gridded?” sets moved cards to be in a grid with X and Ystep size.

V1000 – 2018-06-10
1. Tested game version V2018.6.e.1 32-bit. May work on other versions.

2. SituationController.
“Craftable Time Remaining Set to 0?” sets Craftable Situations Time Remaining to 0. For convenience only. May break some actions like painting.

Allows the following to be modfied (remember to set “SituationController Update Base Address?” To Yes first.
– “SituationController Stats -> SituationClock -> TimeRemainingk__BackingField”. Time remaining. Use a CheatEngine Hotkey to set this to 0 to instant complete.

3. ElementStackToken.
“Lifetimes Set to Optimal?” sets most positive lifetimes to max, and negative lifetimes to 0. Note: game must not be paused for the card to actually disappear.

Allows the following to be modfied (remember to set “ElementStackToken Update Base Address?” To Yes first. Drag and drop the card, then press the hotkey to take effect.
– “ElementStackToken Stats -> ElementStackToken Stats -> _quantity”. Quantity. Use a CheatEngine Hotkey to set this to whatever you want. Set to 0, save and reload to delete.
– “ElementStackToken Stats -> ElementStackToken Stats -> LifetimeRemainingk__BackingField”. Lifetime Remaining. Use a CheatEngine Hotkey to set this to whatever you want.

Launch process:
1. Start Cheat Engine, “Load” and select a table
2. “Select a process to open”, select the desired process.
3. Select the desired option, put a cross.

You can download Cheat Engine from our server here.

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