The Sims 4: Cheat Codes

Home » Video Game Cheats » The Sims 4: Cheat Codes
January 30, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Sims 4: Cheat Codes

Console call: Ctrl + Shift + C

The Sims 4: Cheat Codes Free Download

Cheat Codes:
Help – As usual, gives a list of all cheats for the game.
resetSim {FirstName} {LastName} – Reboots the sim (in case it freezes).
fullscreen – With this code you can enable or disable fullscreen mode.
headlineeffects {on / off} – Removes all effects above the sim’s head, such as thought clouds, icons during a conversation, etc..
Death.toggle – Disables the arrival of Death, Sims stop dying.
FreeRealEstate {on / off} – As before, when you enter this code in the town, all houses for your sim become free.
motherlode – Adds 50,000 Simoleons to the family wallet.
kaching – Adds 1000 Simoleons to the family wallet.
Pressing Shift +] – Increases the size of objects.

testingcheats {true / false} – Developer code. The following codes are available with developer code enabled:

If you enter “testingcheats true” followed by “cas.fulleditmode” hidden CAS capabilities are enabled.

Possibilities when clicking on a sim / object with the developer code enabled and holding down the Shift key:

When clicking on a sim:
Reset Object – Reboots the sim
Add to Family – Adds Sim to family.
Cheat Motive> Make Happy – Raises all needs to the maximum, making the sim happy.
Cheat Motive> Enable Motive Decay – Allows needs dynamic change.
Cheat Motive> Disable Motive Decay – Needs, on the other hand, stop changing.

When clicking on an object:
Reset Object – Reloads the object.
Make Dirty – Makes an object dirty.
Make Clean (when clicking on a dirty object) – makes it clean
Reset Object (when clicking on the mailbox) – reloads the mailbox
Teleport Me Here (when clicking on any place on the ground) – moves the sim to the selected place, if it is in range.
Modify in CAS (by clicking on the sim) – moves the sim to the CAS, where he can change everything except the inherited traits and name.

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