Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War – SoulStorm: Cheat (No Limit SS + Fast Game Mod)

Home » Video Game Cheats » Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War – SoulStorm: Cheat (No Limit SS + Fast Game Mod)
January 31, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War – SoulStorm: Cheat (No Limit SS + Fast Game Mod)

The mod will really appeal to those who want to play with a trainer for 1.20 but have no money to activate it).

Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War – SoulStorm: Cheat (No Limit SS + Fast Game Mod) Free Download

But he doesn’t CHITERSKY (this is for admins). Why? Because the computer will develop as fast as this mod will allow it.

No_limit_ss_mod + Fast_Game_Mod.
-removed all costs for “food” for all units.
-removed all restrictions on all units. You can build anyone, almost as many times as you want (9999 times).
-removed restrictions on Incom resources for all races (faith / souls / influence / energy).
-Reduced the construction time of buildings / units / reinforcements by 2 times to increase the pace of the game.
    The time left for the leaders of the detachments was original, because they give buffs and other increases to the entire detachment.
-reduced the time of all add-ons for all buildings by 10 times.
-reduced the number of required achievements in the company on the global map to get a wargir for the main character:
    -for 1,5,15 wins changed to 1/1/1.
    -for 3,5,10 protected by 1/1/1.


1) Unzip or copy the files from the archive to the root directory of the game. (C: \ Games \ Dawn of War Soulstrom \)
2) Activate the mod in the main menu of the game.
3) Play: D

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