Fallout: New Vegas: Cheat (All perks in one command + DLC)

Home » Video Game Cheats » Fallout: New Vegas: Cheat (All perks in one command + DLC)
January 31, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Fallout: New Vegas: Cheat (All perks in one command + DLC)

Fallout: New Vegas: Cheat (All perks in one command + DLC) Free Download

But since there were no perks from DLC, then I added them there. As they say, do everything yourself.

Like the author, I did not add SPECIAL perks that are issued when completing assignments or challenges (Slipper Man as an example).


1. Make sure the DLCs are in this order:







This condition is due to the fact that the beginning of the ID of everything is associated with the place of the plugin in the table.

2. Upload the file allperks.txt to the directory games

3. In the game itself, turn on the console and enter “bat allperks”

All. We can play!

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