Drug Dealer Simulator: Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 04/30/2020] {RebelHellion}

Home » Video Game Cheats » Drug Dealer Simulator: Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 04/30/2020] {RebelHellion}
January 31, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Drug Dealer Simulator: Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 04/30/2020] {RebelHellion}

I’ve updated the pointers for:

Drug Dealer Simulator: Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 04/30/2020] {RebelHellion} Free Download

  • Current Position (XYZ coords) // Coordinates
  • Has Drugs or not? // Drugs
  • Reputation // Reputation
    • Note: Gang Reputation is very odd indeed. I’ve gotten some .PTR files to only 10-20 results for Gang Reputation, but upon loading the game again, none of those pointers worked. I’ll continue trying to find a better pointer for this stat. In my experience, this table works best on a freshly loaded game. In other words, FULL CLOSE the game, then reopen it from scratch, then once loaded in, attach CE to the game process. This does not, however, guarantee that this stat’s pointers will be working.
  • Player // Pointers For The Player
    • General Risk Factor
    • Exposition Factor

I’ve now added:

  • Stamina (located in Player tab) // Stamina
  • Pockets 1-6 // Pockets

Launch process:
1. Start Cheat Engine, “Load” and select a table
2. “Select a process to open”, select the desired process.
3. Select the desired option, put a cross.

You can download Cheat Engine from our server here.

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