S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl: Cheat (Spawner CP2 + DSH Krus1971 test)

Home » Video Game Cheats » S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl: Cheat (Spawner CP2 + DSH Krus1971 test)
February 4, 2020
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl: Cheat (Spawner CP2 + DSH Krus1971 test)

Spavner for OP2 + DSH from Krus1971 (test version).

S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl: Cheat (Spawner CP2 + DSH Krus1971 test) Free Download

Spawner_CP2 + DSH_Krus1971_test

Cheat \ spawner for the “United Pak 2” mod. Designed to get various items in the inventory / backpack of the Main Hero (GG) if you can’t find them in the game, or these items are accidentally sold / lost.

Load your save game and start playing.
If you need to start the spawner, go to the Main Menu (“ESC” button), then press the “F1” button (on some laptops only by pressing the “FN” function key). Spavner will start.
After that, click on the desired section (AMMO, Attachments, Trunks, …), and scroll up / down to the thing you need. Selecting it with the mouse, click on the “SAVE” button as many times as you want to have these things.
For the correct spawn of what you want to spawn, you need to know the approximate spelling of the subject in English. language (displayed in the lower right corner of the main spawn window in light red).
Return to the game via the “PLAY” button.

Unpack into a separate folder. Read the description “ReadMe ___ IMPORTANT”.
Copy the “gamedata” folder obtained after unpacking to the root directory of the game (where the game is installed), agreeing to the replacement if asked.

1. Spawner version – TEST!!! Therefore, saving the progress of the game in “manual” mode is IMPOSSIBLE for now.!!!
Highly recommended BEFORE by installing a spawner – set the game settings to automatic saving (when receiving / completing tasks) !!!
2. If you decide to spawn a QUEST item, do it only in the place in which it should be located according to the plot of the game, otherwise the crash may not happen, but the plot of the game itself may be interrupted!
3. The spawner AUTOMATICALLY reads the parameters and descriptions of items from the game and displays everything it finds in the “DESCRIPTION” menu. If there are errors in the description of items (for example, after editing the parameters of the weapon) – the spawner DOES NOT CORRECT THE DESCRIPTION, but displays what is in the description of the item, and not in its parameters corrected by you. If there is no description of the item (left block of the spawner), then it is better not to try to spawn it. Game crash is guaranteed. But you can try (at your own peril and risk !!!). 
4. During a normal single player game, when you try to spawn the Arena weapon – the game will crash (Arena Weapon – only in the Arena).
Example: “wpn_fn2000_arena.
Likewise, it will crash if you spawn test, multiplayer, or fake items (fake).
Example “grenade_f1_fake“,” gl_test_shell “,” wpn_knife_trade“,”mp_wpn_rpg7_missile “
WE CAREFULLY READ THE NAMES OF THE OBJECTS (below and to the right of the picture of the object, in red text) !!!

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