Fallout 4: Cheat (No fog (bat files))

Home » Video Game Cheats » Fallout 4: Cheat (No fog (bat files))
February 7, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Fallout 4: Cheat (No fog (bat files))

For those who are enraged by the fog and the lack of current working mods against it, fog.txt will remove the fog for the game session.

Fallout 4: Cheat (No fog (bat files)) Free Download

Each time you enter, you need to activate it again. Additionally 3 meteofiles. meteo1.txt is the default clear weather, meteo2 and meteo3 are brighter variations. They do not last long, but enough for a good fight. Installation: we throw the file fog.txt into the Root folder of the game. We call the console by pressing the “~” key. Enter: bat fog and press Enter. Weather files are activated in the same way.

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