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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt / The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: Cheat (Increased Creature Loot 1.4) Free Download
Don’t you find it strange that when you hunt and kill dozens of creatures, there is practically no loot (loot from corpses)? It turns out that there is no monetary gain in hunting. This mod changes the loot system from slain creatures, now animals will always leave loot. Also increases the likelihood of hides.
Update: 1.4
– Support for game version from 1.08 to 1.10
– This version makes it so that the following items will always fall out (sorry, I don’t know the names of all the ingredients in Russian, so here I left them in English in the description, everything in the game is in Russian): Berserker skin, chitinous scales, arachas eyes, arachas poison, endriag chitin plate, cyclops eye, czart hide, basilisk plate, cockatrice maw, forktail plate, wyvern plate, fifth essence, elemental essence, fiend eye, Gargoyle heart and dust, golem heart, monstrous essence, Infused dust, shard, and essence, ekimma epidermis, necrophage skin, cave troll skin, werewolf, skin, wraith essence, nightwraith dark essence, noonwraith light essence.
– Essences will always drop from this version.
– There are 5 mod options to choose from (read below)
Update: 1.13
– Added support for the game version 1.06 and higher, just after updating the patch to 1.07, restart the bat file.
Update: 1.12
– Added compatibility with game version 1.05
– Added an increase in loot for some animals (dogs, pigs)
– Renamed all files and folders to fix compatibility issues with other mods
– Tweaked settings and loot values
– Several monsters will now always have loot (Drowned, Rotten, Harpies, Devourers, Wild Hunt Minions, Ghouls, and White Wolves)
– Changed settings so that natural ingredients of creatures will drop more often, which is generic. Example: Necker claws will spawn more often than monster claws
– Cows can now produce up to 3 pieces of meat (same as bears)
– Values and odds tweaked
– Added a cheat version of the mod (file Increased Creature Loot (Cheat) .bat), significantly increases the volume of loot from corpses, almost 3 times
– Before updating, you will need to delete old files, read below what to delete
This mod affects the following creatures:
– Deer
– Wolves
– Dogs
– The Bears
– Geese
– Goats
– Pigs
– Cows
– Horses
– And others…
This mod affects the following monsters:
– Drowned
– Rot
– Harpies
– Eaters
– Wild Hunt Minions
– Guli
– Necker
– White Wolfs
– And others…
– The Witcher 3 1.08 to 1.10 and up
When upgrading to 1.4:
– Run the file Default.bat or Increased Creature Loot (Uninstallation) .bat (depending on which version was installed) to return the values to the game ones, save and exit the game
– Delete the folders Default, ICL, ICLCheat, ICLVan at The Witcher 3 / content / patch0 / bundles if you have any there
– Delete the files Default.bat, Increased Creature Loot.bat, quickbms.exe,, INSTRUCTIONS.txt,, Increased Creature Loot (Cheat) .bat, Increased Creature Loot (Uninstallation) .bat, Increased Creature Loot. bat at The Witcher 3 / content / patch0 / bundles if you have such files there
– Install new version 1.4
What’s in the archive:
1 Purist – This option makes it so that monsters and animals always drop prey. No changes will be made to the amount and percentage of loot drops.
2 ICL_1 – This option makes it so that monsters and animals always leave prey. And also makes changes to the percentages, increasing the chance of monsters spawning natural ingredients. No changes will be made to the amount of loot dropped.
3 ICL_1a – This option makes it so that monsters and animals always leave prey. And also makes changes to the percentages, increasing the chance of monsters spawning natural ingredients. The changes in the dropped loot are such that the maximum amount will always be dropped. For example, creatures that previously dropped 1 to 3 pieces will now always have 3 pieces.
4 ICL_2 – This option makes it so that monsters and animals always leave prey. And also makes changes to the percentages, increasing the chance of monsters spawning natural ingredients. Rare unique ingredients will always drop. For example, Rotten will always drop Necrophage Leather. No changes will be made to the amount of loot dropped.
5 ICL_2a – This option makes it so that monsters and animals always leave prey. And also makes changes to the percentages, increasing the chance of monsters spawning natural ingredients. Rare unique ingredients will always drop. For example, Necrophages will always drop Necrophage skin. Changes will also be made to the amount of loot dropped. For example, creatures that previously had 1 to 2 ingredients will now have 2 to 4 (This is a former cheat that was in version 1.31). It has been improved so much that wolf skins drop more frequently)
fomod – not needed for the game, this is for the NMM installer
Installation: (you can manually or through the NMM manager)
In the archive, select only one and 5 options, select the desired module from 1 to 5, inside we take the mod_ICL folder and drop it into the mods folder in the game
1. If this is the first mod you are using, you must create a mods folder in the Witcher 3 folder itself
2. Download the archive, if you will install through the NMM manager, then just add the archive as it is and the mod will install itself, if manually, then place the mod_ICL folder from the archive into the mods folder in the game. The path should be like this The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt / mods / mod_ICL
– Delete mod_ICL folder