Torchlight: Cheat Codes

Home » Video Game Cheats » Torchlight: Cheat Codes
February 12, 2020
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Torchlight: Cheat Codes

Open the settings.txt file from the game folder using Notepad (for example, from here UsersAccountAppDataRoaming unic games orchlight for XP or Document and SettingsAccountAppDataRoaming unic games orchlight for Vista / Win7)

Torchlight: Cheat Codes Free Download

Find the line:

console: 0

will replace with:

console: 1

Save the file and start the game. During gameplay, hold down the [Shift] key and press [~] (tilde) to activate the console. Enter the codes in it:

God – invulnerability
CLS – clear console history
Disablepet – use / do not use pets
Belt – display a list of all belts in the game
Boots – display a list of all boots in the game
Chest armor – displays a list of all chest armor in the game
Fish – displays a list of all fish in the game
Socketable – display a list of all gems in the game
Gloves – display a list of all gloves in the game
Helmet # – display a list of all helmets in the game
Potion – display a list of all potions in the game
Scroll – display that the list is moving into the game
Shoulder Armor – display a list of shoulder armor
Spell – display that the list is spelled
Trinket # – display a list of all trinkets in the game
Weapon – display a list of all weapons in the game
Difficulty – display the difficulty of the current game
Allstats # – get the specified amount from all statuses
Defense # – get Defense
Dexterity # – get Dexterity
Fame # – get the specified number of units of fame
Help – get a list of all console commands
Magic # – get the specified number of units of Magic
Money # – get the specified amount of money
Skill Name / # – get the specified skill
Skillpoints # – get the specified number of skill units
Statpoints # – get the specified number of statpoints
Strength # – get the specified number of units of strength
Ascend – go down through the floor
Descend – walk across the floor
Identifyall – identifies all items in the equipment.
KIllall – kills all Monsters
Quests – includes all searches
Playernotarget – monsters do not attack the player
Alwayscrit – the player always receives critical bursts
Reload – Reload textures
Resetpetlevel – restore the level of pets by 1
Resetskills – Restored player abilities Resetstats
Resetplayerlevel – restores players level by 1
Resetplayer – restores the level of players, abilities and statuses
Restartlevel – restarts the current level
Room – returns the room the player is in
Questcomplete – who set the quest to complete
Questactive – sets searches to activate
FPS – show frame rate and other information
Speed ​​Toggles – additional speed for the character
Godspeed – toggles invulnerability and speed
AIFreeze – Freeze all enemies

Get items (used with item code example: item 2627):

2607 – The Infinite Pure Ember Shard (+49 damage / + 34 armor)
2629 – The Sea King`s Core Ember Shard (+19 health per second / + 12 strength)
2603 – The Grand Depths Ember Shard (-48 armor per hit / + 12 dexterity)
2600 – The Fire Queen Ember Shard (+33 fire damage / + 28 fire resistance)
2631 – The Spire City Life Ember Shard (+33 poisondamage / + 28 poison resistance)
2597 – The Earthstar Cold Ember Shard (+33 ice damage / + 28 ice resistance)
2599 – The Eternal Flow Ember Shard (+33 electricdamage / + 28 electricresistance)
2627 – The Pirate Skull (48 health stolen per hit / + 12 defense)
1766 – Elitch`s Eye (15 mana stolen per hit / + 12 magic)
1356 – Epic snakebite, uniques sword 502 DPS
1427 – Epic eleven ton hammer 1061dps

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