Open the settings.txt file from the game folder using Notepad (for example, from here UsersAccountAppDataRoaming unic games orchlight for XP or Document and SettingsAccountAppDataRoaming unic games orchlight for Vista / Win7)
Torchlight: Cheat Codes Free Download
Find the line:
console: 0
will replace with:
console: 1
Save the file and start the game. During gameplay, hold down the [Shift] key and press [~] (tilde) to activate the console. Enter the codes in it:
God – invulnerability
CLS – clear console history
Disablepet – use / do not use pets
Belt – display a list of all belts in the game
Boots – display a list of all boots in the game
Chest armor – displays a list of all chest armor in the game
Fish – displays a list of all fish in the game
Socketable – display a list of all gems in the game
Gloves – display a list of all gloves in the game
Helmet # – display a list of all helmets in the game
Potion – display a list of all potions in the game
Scroll – display that the list is moving into the game
Shoulder Armor – display a list of shoulder armor
Spell – display that the list is spelled
Trinket # – display a list of all trinkets in the game
Weapon – display a list of all weapons in the game
Difficulty – display the difficulty of the current game
Allstats # – get the specified amount from all statuses
Defense # – get Defense
Dexterity # – get Dexterity
Fame # – get the specified number of units of fame
Help – get a list of all console commands
Magic # – get the specified number of units of Magic
Money # – get the specified amount of money
Skill Name / # – get the specified skill
Skillpoints # – get the specified number of skill units
Statpoints # – get the specified number of statpoints
Strength # – get the specified number of units of strength
Ascend – go down through the floor
Descend – walk across the floor
Identifyall – identifies all items in the equipment.
KIllall – kills all Monsters
Quests – includes all searches
Playernotarget – monsters do not attack the player
Alwayscrit – the player always receives critical bursts
Reload – Reload textures
Resetpetlevel – restore the level of pets by 1
Resetskills – Restored player abilities Resetstats
Resetplayerlevel – restores players level by 1
Resetplayer – restores the level of players, abilities and statuses
Restartlevel – restarts the current level
Room – returns the room the player is in
Questcomplete – who set the quest to complete
Questactive – sets searches to activate
FPS – show frame rate and other information
Speed Toggles – additional speed for the character
Godspeed – toggles invulnerability and speed
AIFreeze – Freeze all enemies
Get items (used with item code example: item 2627):
2607 – The Infinite Pure Ember Shard (+49 damage / + 34 armor)
2629 – The Sea King`s Core Ember Shard (+19 health per second / + 12 strength)
2603 – The Grand Depths Ember Shard (-48 armor per hit / + 12 dexterity)
2600 – The Fire Queen Ember Shard (+33 fire damage / + 28 fire resistance)
2631 – The Spire City Life Ember Shard (+33 poisondamage / + 28 poison resistance)
2597 – The Earthstar Cold Ember Shard (+33 ice damage / + 28 ice resistance)
2599 – The Eternal Flow Ember Shard (+33 electricdamage / + 28 electricresistance)
2627 – The Pirate Skull (48 health stolen per hit / + 12 defense)
1766 – Elitch`s Eye (15 mana stolen per hit / + 12 magic)
1356 – Epic snakebite, uniques sword 502 DPS
1427 – Epic eleven ton hammer 1061dps