Borderlands 3: Cheat Engine Table [UPD: 05/03/2020] {Rydian}

Home » Video Game Cheats » Borderlands 3: Cheat Engine Table [UPD: 05/03/2020] {Rydian}
February 13, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Borderlands 3: Cheat Engine Table [UPD: 05/03/2020] {Rydian}
Borderlands 3: Cheat Engine Table [UPD: 05/03/2020] {Rydian}


Borderlands 3: Cheat Engine Table [UPD: 05/03/2020] {Rydian} Free Download

Coordinates: X / Y / Z for you to edit for warping around. Has number pad arrows / – / + hotkeys set up.
Bullet Position / Teleport: Finds the last place you shot, lets you teleport there by tapping Q.

Player Stats: Health / shield, ammo, and skill cooldown.
Skill Points: Usable skill points left.
Max Skill Rank: Lets you forcibly put 99 ranks into any skill.
Mission Timer: Works for the burger delivery missions and trials (visually still counts down, ignore that).

Currency: Cash and Eridium.
Golden Keys: Can edit keys, script has a comment with some SHiFT codes.
Shop Info: Just the timer so you can force refresh shops.
SDU Upgrades: Lets you see and edit the upgrade counts, useful for making other scripts.
Inventory Slots: Can raise your inventory slots above the cap. Need to re-do each time you load a char.

Weapon Stats: Fire rate, accuracy, damage, and bullets of your held weapon (does not edit the item itself).
Reload: Useful for slowing down to get a good gif of those Jakobs revolver reloads, mmm boy.

Mayhem Mode: Finds a display of the level, not useful yet.
Guardian Tokens: Unspent tokens.
Guardian Stats: Lets you change how many tokens are in a stat, can respec. Save / reload in-game to take effect.

Loot Modifier: Lets you edit drop rarity, keep the value below 0x8000. Try using the golden chest!
Slot Modifier: Lets you pick the result for the slot machine, check the comments for the values!
Global RNG Modifier: A test script to help debugging / finding things, NOT meant for normal use!

Launch process:
1. Start Cheat Engine, “Load” and select a table
2. “Select a process to open”, select the desired process.
3. Select the desired option, put a cross.

Download Cheat Engine from our server you can here.

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