Serious Sam 3: BFE Hat – code “alt =” pix.PlayGround.ru “>
Serious Sam 3: BFE: Cheat Codes Free Download
Open the console with the ~ (tilde) key and type cht_bEnableCheats = 3 to activate cheat mode. Please note that after this you will not be able to receive achievements. To disable cheat mode, type 0 instead 3 and restart the game.
After activating the cheat mode, you can access them either through the menu (press Esc, then F3), or by typing them directly into the console. To see all console cheats, type cht and press Tab.
cht_bAutoAim – auto aiming
cht_bShowAllNetricsaMessages – shows all NETRICSA messages
cht_bInvisible – invisibility
cht_bGhost – passing through walls
cht_bFly – flight mode
chtGiveAmmo – gives ammo
ch_slGiveArmor – gives armor
cht_slGiveHealth – heals the character
chtGiveWeapon (x) – gives the specified weapon instead of (x)
cht_bGiveAll – all weapons and maximum ammo
cht_bGod – immortality
cht_bTurbo – super speed
cht_bInfiniteAmmo – endless ammo
cht_bKillAll – kills all enemies on the screen, except bosses
cht_bKillBoss – kills the boss
cht_bUnlockMentalMode – unlocks the highest level of difficulty