Syrian Warfare: Cheat (All units of the Syrian army – added tanks from the new DLC) – Updated version

Home » Video Game Cheats » Syrian Warfare: Cheat (All units of the Syrian army – added tanks from the new DLC) – Updated version
February 26, 2020
4 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Syrian Warfare: Cheat (All units of the Syrian army – added tanks from the new DLC) – Updated version

To install and use the mod, do the following:

Syrian Warfare: Cheat (All units of the Syrian army – added tanks from the new DLC) – Updated version Free Download

1. Copy the utils.lua file to SteamLibrary \ steamapps \ common \ Syrian Warfare \ basis \ console;

2. In the game, open the console with the “ctrl” + “~” keyboard shortcut;

3. In the console that opens, enter the help () command;

4. An instruction on how to spawn units and a list of all units will be displayed.

P.S. The instruction is written in Latin transliteration

P.P.S. – It is better not to spawn units from DLC in the original company.

List of units with console commands to call them, where num is the number, y is the vertical coordinates of the minimap, x is the horizontal coordinates of the minimap (one square on the minimap is 100×100, or 50×50 – depends on the map:

cheats.giveGazele (num, y, x) – Helicopter Gazele Syrian army – New!
cheats.giveMi17p (num, y, x) – Helicopter Mi-17 PTUR Syrian army 
cheats.giveMi24 (num, y, x) – Helicopter Mi-24 Syrian army 
cheats.giveMi28 (num, y, x) – Helicopter Mi-28 Syrian army 
cheats.giveKa52 (num, y, x) – Helicopter Ka-52 Syrian army – New!

cheats.giveZSUs (num, y, x) – ZSU Shilka Syrian army 
cheats.giveGrad (num, y, x) – Artillery Grad Syrian army 
cheats.giveGvozdika (num, y, x) – Artillery Gvizdika Syrian army 
cheats.giveTOS (num, y, x) – Artillery TOS Syrian army 

cheats.giveT55 (num, y, x) – Tank T-55 + sandsbags Syrian army 
cheats.giveT55A (num, y, x) – Tank T-55A Syrian army 
cheats.giveT55MB (num, y, x) – Tank T-55MB Syrian army 
cheats.giveT62 (num, y, x) – Tank T-62 Syrian army 
cheats.giveT62M (num, y, x) – Tank T-62M Syrian army 
cheats.giveT62Marm (num, y, x) – Tank T-62M Armed Syrian army 
cheats.giveT72A (num, y, x) – Tank T-72A Syrian army 
cheats.giveT72AB (num, y, x) – Tank T-72AB Syrian army 
cheats.giveT90 (num, y, x) – Tank T-90 Syrian army 

cheats.giveBmp1 (num, y, x) – BMP-1 Syrian army 
cheats.giveBmp1P (num, y, x) – BMP-1P Syrian army 
cheats.giveBmp2 (num, y, x) – BMP-2 Syrian army 

cheats.giveBtr70 (num, y, x) – BTR-70 Syrian army 
cheats.giveBtr80 (num, y, x) – BTR-80 Syrian army 
cheats.giveBtr80b (num, y, x) – BTR-80 Armed Syrian army 
cheats.giveBtr80a (num, y, x) – BTR-80a Syrian army 

cheats.giveBrdm (num, y, x) – BRDM Syrian army 
cheats.giveBrdmp (num, y, x) – BRDM PTUR Syrian army

cheats.giveAmmunition (num, y, x) – Ural Ammunition Track 
cheats.giveFuel (num, y, x) – Ural Fuel Track 
cheats.giveGaz (num, y, x) – Gaz Passenger Track 
cheats.giveUral (num, y, x) – Ural Passenger Track 

cheats.giveGt (num, y, x) – Guntrack Syrian Army 
cheats.giveGtk (num, y, x) – Guntrack KPVT Syrian Army 
cheats.giveTgt (num, y, x) – Toyota Guntrack Syrian Army 
cheats.giveTgt40 (num, y, x) – Toyota Guntrack 40mm Syrian Army 
cheats.giveGtt (num, y, x) – Armed Guntrack – New!
cheats.giveGtmlrs (num, y, x) – Guntrack RZSO – New!
cheats.giveGtkpvt (num, y, x) – Armed Guntrack KPVT – New!
cheats.giveGthamvee (num, y, x) – Hamvee Syrian Army – New!

cheats.giveSP (num, y, x) – Syrian Police 
cheats.giveSPs (num, y, x) – Syrian Police Sniper 
cheats.giveSPrpg (num, y, x) – Syrian Police RPG 
cheats.giveBtrcrew (num, y, x) – Syrian BTR Crew 
cheats.giveTankcrew (num, y, x) – Syrian Tank Crew 
cheats.giveSe (num, y, x) – Syrian Army Engineers 
cheats.giveSs (num, y, x) – Syrian Army Squad 
cheats.giveSa (num, y, x) – Syrian Army Assoult Squad 
cheats.giveSsnp (num, y, x) – Syrian Army Sniper Squad 
cheats.giveSptur (num, y, x) – Syrian Army PTUR Squad 
cheats.giveSmortar (num, y, x) – Syrian Army Mortar Squad

cheats.giveRgrom (num, y, x) – Russian Morpeh Squad – New! 
cheats.giveRgru (num, y, x) – Russian GRU Squad – New!

cheats.giveT62bomb (num, y, x) – Smertnik na T62 – New! (The player does not explode)

    elie 07/18/2021

    how do i get the utils file ?

    How do you rate Syrian Warfare: Cheat (All units of the Syrian army – added tanks from the new DLC) – Updated version ?

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