Payday: The Heist: Cheat (XSpawn) [1.0]

Home » Video Game Cheats » Payday: The Heist: Cheat (XSpawn) [1.0]
February 27, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Payday: The Heist: Cheat (XSpawn) [1.0]

XSpawn by RXK team 1.0

Payday: The Heist: Cheat (XSpawn) [1.0] Free Download

This script will spawn only those units that you select, in addition, a mutator is built into the script, the ability to change the number of cops, their weapons, spawn intervals. Everything is configured in the config. The very task of this mod is to complicate the gameplay.

The script was tested on the Steam version.

All setting is described in the config documentation.

 Copy files to the game folder. Then you can customize everything at your discretion, but change something in the config exclusively through Notepad ++, the encoding of a regular notepad will not work.

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