Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3: Cheat Engine Table (Enable CryEngine Console)

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March 4, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3: Cheat Engine Table (Enable CryEngine Console)

Opens the in-game console

Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3: Cheat Engine Table (Enable CryEngine Console) Free Download


pl_health (Set health. For example: pl_health 1000)
lock_all_skills (“Close all skills”)
give_skill_points (Add skills: give_skill_points path (sniper / ghost / warrior) Amount (Maximum value == 255) -> For example: give_skill_points sniper 12)
replenish_stamina (Stamina)
takeDamage (Take damage: takeDamage 10; If you choose a negative value, then takeDamage heals -10)
revive (“Revive”.)
v_kill (“Destroy the car”)
kill (“Kill a player”)
unlock_safehouse_and_fasttravel (“Unlocks all escape and fast travel points”)
show_loot_items_on_map (“Show all collected items on the map”)
items_in_weaponcache_unlock (“Unlock all weapons.”)
complete_current_mission (“End current mission.”)
unlock_all_characters_and_factions (“Unlock all characters and factions.”)
unlock_all_missions (“Open all chapters, regions and missions)
unlock_all_collectibles (“Unlock All Collected Items”)
drone_upgrade (“Add drone upgrades”)
drone_remove (“Remove drone improvements”)
items_in_weaponcache_reset (“Reset weapon storage.”)
pl_unlockSkills (“Open all skills”)


pl_movement.speedScale (default is 1.200000048)
pl_movement.strafe_SpeedScale (default is 0.8999999762)
pl_movement.sprint_SpeedScale (default is 1.700000048)
pl_movement.crouch_SpeedScale (default is 1.0)
pl_movement.acceleration (default is 13.0)
pl_health.normal_regeneration_rateSP (default is 250.0)
pl_drownRecoveryTime (default is 1)
ai_ignorePlayer (default is 0; set to 1 to make AI ignore the player)
ai_ignoreDrone (default is 0; set to 1 to make the AI ​​ignore the drone)
g_godMode (default is 0; set to 2 to enable)
g_infiniteAmmo (default is 0; set to 1 to enable)
g_infiniteDroneBattery (default is 0; set to 1 to enable)
g_instantKillDamageThreshold (set to 0.1 for instant kill – untested)

i_staminaConsumptionScale 0 (default is)
i_zoom_sway_scale 0 (default is)
i_enable_aim_assist (default is 1 in normal mode; can be 0 in hard)
i_enable_hb_slomo (default is)
i_enable_red_dot (default is 1; can be 0 in hard
i_enable_ricochet (default is)
g_killstreakTimeLimit (default is)

Enable File Logging:

log_Verbosity 3
log_WriteToFileVerbosity 3
log_VerbosityOverridesWriteToFile 1


i_giveammo (and params: e.g .: i_giveammo PistolBullet 999)
p_fly_mode 0/1
check spread / recoil cvars

You can download Cheat Engine from our server here.

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