Car Mechanic Simulator 2018: Cheat [1.5.9]

Home » Video Game Cheats » Car Mechanic Simulator 2018: Cheat [1.5.9]
March 9, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Car Mechanic Simulator 2018: Cheat [1.5.9]


Car Mechanic Simulator 2018: Cheat [1.5.9] Free Download

Copy content to cms21018_data \ Managed. Modify bunns.ini settings to your liking.
I’ve tested this several times and everything works fine, but I still suggest using a test profile just in case! I suggest you leave the entrance to garage A and B free of charge when spawning a car.

Activation Keys:

F1 – Add auto (using setting bunns.ini)
F2 – The next version of the config (example of a folder with auto mod config, config1, config2, config3)
F3 – Previous configuration version (example of a folder with auto mod config3, config2, config1, config)
F4 – Accidental change in vehicle state
F5 – Add 3 random items tuning parts
F6 – Add 3 random items tuning body parts
F7 – Add a barn
F8 – Repair all parts in inventory (including groups) and set to the selected quality (default 5 in settings bunns.ini)
F9 – Add $ 1M
F10 – Add 10.000 XP
F11 – Export to the file list of all elements, including value settings, in cms21018_data \ Managed \ shopitems.csv
Insert. Does not work for the body / interior.Home – Repair all cars in the garage
End – Open Shop (also works in build mode)
] – Turn right engine (also works in build mode). Attention the motor must be in the rotator
[– Turning the motor to the left (also works in build mode) Attention the motor must be in the rotator
Num 1 – Set mileage (default 1 in bunns.ini settings)

– Removed introductory remarks

Bunns.ini settings:

car = car_boltcape –> Take this car with F1. Change it to a random one to create a random car. (Example, we take the mod from the folder cms21018_data \StreamingAssets\Cars\Lada 2107 looking for a name car_fulysiclada2107.cms copy the word and paste car = car_fulysiclada2107)
quality = 5 –> Applied quality to repair all parts (F8) and details generated by F5 / F6 / Insert
mileage = 1 –> Change vehicle mileage. Applies to the car hovering over the mouse.
condition = 1 –> 1 = 100% is used to repair all parts (F8) and parts generated by F5 / F6 / Insert. (example 2 = 200%, 5 = 500%)
license = DIGGER –> Default name on license plates

Attention: create a desktop shortcut bunns.ini can be changed without leaving the game

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