Armed Assault 2: Code (Editor Console)

Home » Video Game Cheats » Armed Assault 2: Code (Editor Console)
January 24, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Armed Assault 2: Code (Editor Console)

There is, of course, “Lost Key”, in which a lot is implemented, but the problem is that it is based on the “Extended Eventhandlers” addon, which changes with each new version of the game, and the original game will not support the saves made with it.

Armed Assault 2: Code (Editor Console) Free Download

There is a painless way for any version of the game, with or without any addons.
You need to download this console, and place the stra_debug2.pbo file in the AddOns game folder, during the game press Esc then Enter, we get the editor in real time. Each time you probably don’t need to type commands, we just create a text document in which we will enter our favorite commands. We minimize the game (Alt + Tab) and copy (Ctrl + C) the command symbols, then expand the game again and paste the copied (Ctrl + V) into one of the console windows, press Exec .

Some examples:

Example of Spawn empty vehicles

_veh = createVehicle [“BTR90”, position player, [], 10, “NONE”] – an armored personnel carrier 90 will appear ten meters from the player, the values ​​in meters can be changed, as well as the type of transport.

_veh = createVehicle [“USSpecialWeaponsBox”, position player, [], 1, “NONE”] – a box with a special weapon will appear a meter away from the player, etc..

Example of adding to inventory

{player addmagazine “30Rnd_545x39_AK”} foreach [0,0,0,0,0,0]; player addweapon “AK_74”; – the player will receive AK – 74 and 6 shops to him.
player addweapon “NVGoggles”; player addweapon “itemGPS”; “; – the player will receive NVG and GPS.
See the name of the items in the same place.

This is what I hate and don’t respect player allowDamage FALSE – the player is immortal.

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