Avorion: Cheat Codes

Home » Video Game Cheats » Avorion: Cheat Codes
August 3, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Avorion: Cheat Codes

In the game, press “enter”

Avorion: Cheat Codes Free Download

Further “/”

To do this, enter / give (your nickname) (amount of ore) (what kind of ore do you want to get)
It is written without brackets “(” “)”
The whole thing is deciphered as follows:
And of course an example:
The command that will give me 467 triniums.
/ give Bigimxo 467 trinium

And here is a list of all the ore in the game, from worst to best:
Iron ——- Iron
Titanium ——— Titanium
Naonite ——- Naonite
Trinium —– Trinium
Zanion ——- Xanion
Ogonite ——- Ogonite
Avorion —– Avorion
MONEY —— Money

Next, we will have a team to teleport your ship to any sectors.

We write / teleport (your nickname) x y
x and y are sector coordinates. So in sector 453: 245 x = 453, and y = 245
Please note that “:” (colon) is not used.

/ teleport Bigimxo 453 245

I don’t know if it is possible to teleport stations and asteroids, if anyone knows write.
If you teleport to sector 0: 0 you will get 2 free achievements =)

Destroying an object

/ destroy

Select the object you want to destroy / delete (I select by pressing the mouse wheel) and write the command. (I don’t know if it works for the gate)

Adding a crew

So I understood that when using this command on this ship, the crew will be constantly added up to a productivity of 100%. We get on the ship and prescribe.

/ addcrew

That’s all guys! =)

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