Celtic Kings: Cheat Codes (English)

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July 31, 2020
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Celtic Kings: Cheat Codes (English)

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Celtic Kings: Cheat Codes (English) Free Download

No.) Cheat / Debug String Description

001) AddFD shows white tiles all over non-object areas and black tiles over object area

002) AdvExplorer Built in MYTH option .. Computer hangs

003) AE shows a nice tree with all the properties of the current level

004) AppendFile nothing visible

005) BlurTerrain nothing visible

006) BuildRLEMMap yet another game-hanging option

007) BuildSPF nothing visible

008) ChangeFormation nothing visible

009) ChMap nothing visible

010) ClearDecors nothing visible

011) clock nothing visible

012) cls nothing visible

013) Conv nothing visible

014) CurPlayer nothing visible

015) cvar1 nothing visible

016) cvar1 nothing visible

017) cvar2 nothing visible

018) cvar2 nothing visible

019) DebugSelected debugs the selected unit

020) DeepWater running DeepWater (1,1,1) says “BuildDark () cannot be executed – the source has been commented, Ask Mordred!”

021) DelDecor nothing visible

022) Desync writes a desync_test.txt

023) DisablePtDraw nothing visible

024) Dlg nothing visible

025) DumpFuncToXML dumps some XML function descriptions into dump_try.XML

026) DumpObj shows a nice tree of the selected unit’s abilities, don’t use when nothing is selected

027) DumpStats nothing visible

028) EdgeOfForever nothing visible

029) EnablePtDraw nothing visible

030) ESG tells about the enemy squads of player2 attacking player1 or smth – ESG (1,2)

031) ExploreAll nothing visible

032) Explorer MYTH (R) function

033) ExportObjs ExportObjs (‘filename’) and it exports all the objects into filename

034) ExportTerrain same as above, exports terrain

035) F5 nothing visible

036) FlatTerrain flats terrain

037) GAIKAFD shows green tiles all over the non-object space and black tiles under objects

038) GenTransTables nothing visible

039) GetItem GetItem (‘x’) probably gives you item x if you know it’s itemid

040) gmp gives coordinates of the point under the mouse

041) GS GS (1) -> hang

042) IngameDebugSelected nothing visible

043) InsDecor nothing visible

044) Invalidate nothing visible

045) Load Load

046) Load loads name

047) LSA hangs

048) MakePassable nothing visible

049) MousePos shows mouse position

050) Pause pauses / unpauses

051) PerlinTest nothing visible

052) PFPersist nothing visible

053) pr prints a bool, int or string

054) pr same as above

055) pr pr (‘You are fat’) will print ‘You are fat’

056) PreLit shows BuildLight (), apparently does nothing besides that

057) PrintMemStats shows memory statistics

058) ProfileStart nothing visible

059) ProfileStop nothing visible

060) quit quits, obviously

061) RayOfLight “Abe ti me buzikash s tezi parametri maj, a?”

062) RebuildPass nothing visible

063) ReloadConstIni nothing visible

064) RemFD opposite of AddFD (removes the white tiles)

065) RemoveDecors no more bushes, trees etc.

066) Render nothing visible

067) Save Save

068) Save saves name

069) SaveEdit nothing visible

070) ScreenShot saves a huge bmp screenshot

071) sd nothing visible

072) selb nothing visible

073) sels nothing visible

074) selsq nothing visible

075) selu nothing visible

076) SetPlayer switches player; don’t do it when you’re playing alone 🙂

077) SettlementCount gives a settlement count

078) ShowFlatTerrain the terrain becomes weird

079) ShrinkEntities MYTH (R) function

080) Spawn Spawn (100,10) spawns 100 units for you and 10 for the enemy

081) Splash nothing visible

082) Switch nothing visible

083) TestAdventure tests adventure integrity

084) TestAdventureDebug nothing visible

085) TestLoad uhm, made everything black

086) TestSave nothing visible

087) ToggleFog Toggle Fog Of War

088) ToggleLD nothing visible

089) TogglePtDraw nothing visible

090) ToggleVis Toggle Houses / Decoration

091) TTest translation test

092) TTestf “Translatef test”

093) UndoMemory accessible only in editor mode

094) Unit :: GetAnimState nothing visible

095) USR tells what the hell does the selected unit do

096) _Black blacks the screen

097) _chs nothing visible

098) _DbgSel displays the danger for the current selection?

099) _InvalidateAllToggle nothing visible

100) _Place nothing visible

101) _PlayersAlly nothing visible

102) _PlayersMakeEnemies nothing visible

103) _PlayersShareControl nothing visible

104) _PlayersShareSupport nothing visible

105) _PlayersShareView nothing visible

106) _RedrawAll nothing visible

107) _SetCursor nothing visible

108) _SetNextSeason nothing visible

109) _ToggleInvRects shows rects over units

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