Darkest Dungeon: Save Manager

Home » Video Game Saves » Darkest Dungeon: Save Manager
March 12, 2021
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Darkest Dungeon: Save Manager
Darkest Dungeon: Save Manager

This program is designed to manually save and load the game.

How to use:

1) Unzip the archive into a separate folder

2) check that there is a save folder next to the DarkestSM.exe file (this is where your

3) run DarkestSM.exe

4) The left field should display those saves that you currently have (if they do not exist or they

Darkest Dungeon: Save Manager Free Download

written incorrectly, do not use the program as it may not work correctly).

5) If the save is signed correctly, click on the save name you want to save and click on the button

6) If you did everything correctly, then in the right field there will be a flow consisting of: the name of your save and the date. (Which means that everything is working correctly).

7) To load a save, first select in the left field the save that you want to replace and then in the right
field, select the save you want to load and click the “Load” button

8) If you first launched the program and only then created a character and the program does not see him, use
the “update” button.

9) If you want to delete previously created saves, select the save you want to delete in the right field and
click the “delete” button.

ATTENTION! Before using the program, create a backup of the save folder
located at: C: \ Users \ User \ Saved Games \ Darkest

The program was tested on Windows 8, therefore the program’s operation in Windows xp and 7 is not guaranteed
If you are just starting the game, it is preferable to create save names consisting of one word

It is preferable to use the program only in cities (at any time) because errors may occur

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