Die Young: Cheat Engine Table [] {ColonelRVH}

Home » Video Game Cheats » Die Young: Cheat Engine Table [] {ColonelRVH}
February 18, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Die Young: Cheat Engine Table [] {ColonelRVH}
Die Young: Cheat Engine Table [] {ColonelRVH}

Disable “Can’t carry more” on QTE

Die Young: Cheat Engine Table [] {ColonelRVH} Free Download

What the script does is to disable 2 checks: one done when the QuickTimeEvent is generated (when you approach an item that can be picked and the “E” symbol is generated, showing in either white or red; white = can pick-up, don’t have max; red = can’t pick-up cuz you have max) -and- the other when you actually press “E” to pick-up that item. What this means is infinite pick-ups. You’ll see that now your current quota will increase with each pick-up (e.g .: I got 122/119 Pot Marigold). I’ve not tested what happens when you reach 999 (am assuming it goes over to 1000, as the value is a DWORD; hence the max, if not limited, would be 65535) and if this affects locked doors or whatever where you ‘ d need a key. So please be careful when you use it.

Note the addresses are hard-coded to the current Steam version. In any other version you play (torrent), you may need to adjust this.

Launch process:
1. Start Cheat Engine, “Load” and select a table
2. “Select a process to open”, select the desired process.
3. Select the desired option, put a cross.

Download Cheat Engine from our server you can here.

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