Empire: Total War: Cheat (Remove the training limit for unique units + recruit 1 turn) [Steam]

Home » Video Game Cheats » Empire: Total War: Cheat (Remove the training limit for unique units + recruit 1 turn) [Steam]
February 4, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Empire: Total War: Cheat (Remove the training limit for unique units + recruit 1 turn) [Steam]

All factions in the game have unique and quite powerful troops and the game has a limit on their recruitment (some can only be trained in a single copy).

Empire: Total War: Cheat (Remove the training limit for unique units + recruit 1 turn) [Steam] Free Download

This is a modified game patch file. It removes these restrictions. And as a bonus, all troops are trained one turn. Especially for the league of laziness))

Based on the Steam license with all DLCs.

Unpack the file along the path:…\ Empire Total War \ data

Example:D: \ Games \ SteamLibrary \ steamapps \ common \ Empire Total War \ data

Start a new game Not necessary.

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