Endless Space: Cheats (Super Sophons / 42 heroes instead of 3/999 faction points) [For the latest version of the game]

Home » Video Game Cheats » Endless Space: Cheats (Super Sophons / 42 heroes instead of 3/999 faction points) [For the latest version of the game]
December 7, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Endless Space: Cheats (Super Sophons / 42 heroes instead of 3/999 faction points) [For the latest version of the game]

Super Sophons: add 1000 science, 1000 industry, 1000 dust to each system.

Endless Space: Cheats (Super Sophons / 42 heroes instead of 3/999 faction points) [For the latest version of the game] Free Download

42 heroes: everything is clear here, removes the restriction of 3 heroes and now new heroes come not after 50 moves, but after 2.

999 faction points: now you can add all the positive buns to the self-made race.

This cheat was based on the three previous ones, but as you probably know, when installing old cheats in new versions of the game, an error crashed and new factions were not available. Therefore, I created all these three cheats for the most recent version..

I recommend that you put in the version of the game with DLC Disharmony !


Drop into folder with file replacement  Endless space / public / simulation

If you play on DLC Disharmony, then throw it not in the folder publik, and in the folder publik_xp1. Otherwise, it will not work on DLC.

But you can drop it into 2 folders at once.

Super Sophons also work on self-made races, if you add the “Scientists” skill to them with pumping to all 3 levels.

Have a good game!

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