Fallout 3: Cheat Codes (Operation Anchorage, The Pitt, Point Lookout, Mothership Zeta Weapons and Armor)

Home » Video Game Cheats » Fallout 3: Cheat Codes (Operation Anchorage, The Pitt, Point Lookout, Mothership Zeta Weapons and Armor)
September 24, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Fallout 3: Cheat Codes (Operation Anchorage, The Pitt, Point Lookout, Mothership Zeta Weapons and Armor)

Operation Anchorage:

Fallout 3: Cheat Codes (Operation Anchorage, The Pitt, Point Lookout, Mothership Zeta Weapons and Armor) Free Download

1.Winter Helmet (01003AFC)
2.Winter Armor (01003AF9)
3.General Chase’s Overcoat (0100AD7B)
4.Winter Power Armor T51b (01001F08)
5.T51b Winter Power Armor Helmet (01001F09)
6.Chinese General’s Hat (0100С1С8)
7.Neural Interface Suit (0100BB28)
8.Chinese camouflage armor (0100C18F)
9.Chinese Camouflage Armor Helmet (0100C190)

10.Gauss Cannon (0100C07D)
11.Jingwei Shock Sword (0100C07C)
The Pitt:

1.Raider Field Armor (020032DE)
2.Gas mask (0200B4B1)
3.Slave clothes (02009AC1)
4.Clothes of the guest worker (0200B4B2)
5.Tribal Power Armor (0200B50F)
6. Power Armor Ashura (02006852)
7.Watch Helmet (02007FC5)
8 Demoman’s Armor (0200B510)
9.Raider Fighter Armor (020032DD)
10.Leather (0200B50E)
11.Masochistic Raider Armor (0200A398)
12.Raider Combat Armor (0200A39B)
13 Armor Gamma (02009383)
14. Armor of the raider leader (0200A39D)
15.Metal Master Armor (0200B511)

16.Metal Blaster (0200B513)
17.Chainsaw (020032E1)
18. Opener (0200B66C)
19.Tester (0200B514)
20.Puncher (0200B512)
21.Filter (0200737C)
22.Steel brass knuckles (0200B4B3)
23. The Lucky One (0200A7CB)
Point Lookout:

1.Desmond glasses (0400832E)
2.Cryptographic Glasses (0400D5C0)
3.Clothes of the savage (0400D74F)
4.Roba (0400D5C0)
5.Confederate Hat (0400DE01)

6 Blackwater Rifle (0400ED14)
7.Double Barrel (04007473)
8.Carabiner (040088DE)
9.Container with biogas (0400D1E4)
10.Shovel (040082B5)
11.Microwave emitter (0400C1C3)
12.Axe (0400838F)
Mothership Zeta:

1.Winter medical armor (0500A9A1)
2.Pulson Suit (05003306)
3.Samurai helmet (0500693F)
4.Samurai armor (05006940)
5.Spacesuit (050058EB)
6.Spacesuit helmet (0500A9A5)

7.Pulson revolver (05006E1E)
8.Alien Atomizer (0500083F)
9.Atomic Sprayer (0500A77F)
10.Alien Disinterger (05000842)
11. Captain’s spare gun (0500A9DD)
12.Droid Cannon (05000845)

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