Fallout 4: Cheat (File for all items of equipment, clothing)

Home » Video Game Cheats » Fallout 4: Cheat (File for all items of equipment, clothing)
March 3, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Fallout 4: Cheat (File for all items of equipment, clothing)

DescriptionAn easy way to get all items of clothing and power armor at once. Suitable for testers, or for those who like to have fun. After activation, the clothes will appear in the selected box
ActivationWe drop the file “alloutfits.txt“in the folder with Fallout 4 (where the .exe is located)
We go into the game and load our save (Not necessary)
We go to our base and create a new container for clothes
Open the console and click on the container left click once (preferably in the first person)
After a line with the mailbox ID appeared in the middle of the console we write “bat alloutfits“without quotes and press Enter ??? PROFIT

Fallout 4: Cheat (File for all items of equipment, clothing) Free Download

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