Fragmented: Cheat Codes [ENG]

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April 22, 2020
4 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Fragmented: Cheat Codes [ENG]

Commands are entered directly into the chat field (without brackets !!).

Fragmented: Cheat Codes [ENG] Free Download

I think everything is clear without translation)

 / gm ban add [character name] or [Steam ID] Bans a character from the server. 
 / gm ban remove [character name] or [Steam ID} Removes ban for selected character.
 / gm ban list Lists players that are currently banned from the server.
 / gm create [password] Grants GM privileges. 
 / gm godmode on / off You become unable to be killed.
 / gm popupmsg [message]  Displays a pop up message to everyone on the server. 
 / gm shutdownsever Shuts down the server. 
 / gm kick [character name] or [Steam ID] Kicks the selected player off of the server. (not permanent)
 / givepoints Increases your level by one.
 / item create 1 [item name] Spawns any given item directly to your inventory. 
 / speed [0-255] Increases your sprint speed. 
 / teleport [x], [y], [z] Teleports you to specified coordinates. 
 / who Displays all characters, Steam IDs and coordinates on the server. 
 / wipeme inventory Removes all inventory. 
 / wipeme equipment Removes all equipped items. 
 / wipeme oldguilddata Removes any lingering old guild data. 
 / wipme skills Resets all of your skills to level one. 
 / wipeme structures  Removes ALL structures on a server. 
 / wipeme recipes  Allows newly added recipes to populate the list. 
 / wipeme resettolevel1 Resets your character to level 1. 
 / ruleset show Shows the current rule set on the server.
 / ruleset allowpvp [true or false] Sets PVP ability on the server. Allows PVP if TRUE. 
 / ruleset destroystructures [true or false] Allows or disallows destruction of structures. 
 / ruleset corpseloot [true or false] Allows or disallows dropping of inventory upon death. 
 / ruleset permadeath [true or false] Allows or disallows reset to level one upon death. 
 / ruleset experiencemod [value] Sets the experience modifier on the server. Ex: 1.0 = baseline, 0.5 = 50% slower, 2.0 = 200% faster. 
 / ruleset damagemodifier [value] Sets the damage modifier on the server. Ex: 1.0 = baseline, 0.5 = 50% damage, 2.0 = 200% damage. 
 / ruleset npcdificultymodifier [value] Sets the NPC difficulty on the server. 
 / ruleset hungermodifier [value] Sets the hunger value modifier on the server. Ex: 1.0 = baseline, 0.25 = 25% less, 1.5 = 150% more. 
 / ruleset thirstmodifier [value] Sets the thirst value modifier on the server. Ex: 1.0 = baseline, 0.25 = 25% less, 1.5 = 150% more.
 / ruleset sprintstaminamodifier [value] Sets the stamina modifier while sprinting. Ex: 1.0 = baseline, 0.5 = 50% slower, 2.0 = 200% faster.
 / ruleset recoverstaminamodifier [value] Sets the stamina recovery modifier on the server. Ex: 1.0 = baseline, 0.5 = 50% slower, 2.0 = 200% faster. 
 / ruleset decayratemodifier [value] Sets the rate of decay on items for the server. Ex: 0.1 = baseline> lasts longer, < decays faster. 
 / ruleset motd [message] Sets a message of the day that is seen in the chat box upon log in to the server.

The following are additional commands that do not require a GM password to execute.

 / creategroup [group name] Creates a new chat tab for the name you have chosen for your group. 
 / joingroup [group name] Allows you to join a particular chat tab group that has been started by another player. 
 / leavegroup [group name] Removes you from the group chat and removes the chat tab. 
 / guildinvite [character name] Invites a character to your guild. Can also be done through the guild manager (G). 
 / mute [character name] Mutes a character from your visible chat. 
 / unmute [character name] Un-mutes a character from your visible chat. 
 / pet summon Summons your pet to you (must be more than 100 meters away)
 / pet dismiss Dismisses your current pet (cannot be recalled)
 / pm [character name] Sends a private message to a character. 
 / setname [name] Ability to rename your character. 
 / location  Shows your coordinates. 
 / info steam Shows your Steam ID.
 / suicide Kills your character and allows respawn. 
 / time Shows current server time. 
 / wipeme charactercreation Allows you to rename and re-customize your character. Has no effect on skills and inventory.
 / wipeme resettolevel1 Resets your character to level 1. 
 / wipeme recipes  Allows newly added recipes to populate the list. 
 / who  Lists all character names on the server.

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