Hearts of Iron 2 (Victory Day 2): Cheat Codes

Home » Video Game Cheats » Hearts of Iron 2 (Victory Day 2): Cheat Codes
February 11, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Hearts of Iron 2 (Victory Day 2): Cheat Codes

You can argue for a long time – to play with or without cheats, I personally don’t care.

Hearts of Iron 2 (Victory Day 2): Cheat Codes Free Download

At least whoever pressed F12 in the game at least once was probably interested in what it would give me … When you press F12, the console is activated, I will give a couple of useful (from my point of view) commands:
event 1012 we receive blueprints for technology (our scientists are really quicker to invent)
event 1013 Gain + 1% IC (or PP – Industrial Potential)
event 1009 minus 3% dissidents
For those who play for the Land of the Rising Sun
event 3815 and China in your pocket in a gift wrapper)) (There are really 3 options, I myself chose “Puppet China” – in a couple of years you get a bunch of divisions to capture the mainland. I had only Chinese going to Gibraltar very conveniently and there are a LOT of them! !!)

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